Is fare-free MBTA more economical for the Commonwealth?
Many years of commuting on the T has made it clear that one of the biggest impediments to a more efficient and reliable system is our insistence on collecting fares. When I was younger, the Green Line above ground simply did not collect fares. It did seem a bit silly the T would let us […]
#FixTheMBTA: Why I’m running for Governor of Massachusetts
The majority of my life I’ve lived in Boston, Massachusetts and used the MBTA for commuting to school and work daily. When I was 13, I began commuting to Boston Latin School from Dorchester via the red and green lines. I’m now 34 and am constantly shocked and appalled that if anything the MBTA has […]

The Most Boston Thing Ever
Tucked into the Polish Triangle section of the Dorchester neighborhood of Boston lies the most Boston intersection ever, the most Boston street ever, the most Boston Boston ever, basically the most Boston thing ever. Here we have a typically Bostonian street configuration where you can be on street X and make a turn onto a […]
Musings from a habitual MBTA user
While sweating on a hot and humid subterranean MBTA platform watching packed trains come and go one typically ponders upon many things. Will I ever get out of here? Who are all these people and where are they going? Why do I have more fans in my apartment than this T station? Did it get […]

Ashmont Moves to North Dorchester
While Milton was preparing for an invasion from Mattapan, looks like we should’ve taken a closer look inside Dorchester as Ashmont recently got up and moved itself to North Dorchester. At least according to Google Maps, which places Ashmont right between Upham’s Corner & Savin Hill: So, is ‘Old Ashmont’ up for grabs now?

Is It Boston?
For far too long we have had to simply wonder am I in Boston, with no definitive answer. But, those dark days are long behind us friends as I’m proud to announce the universe-wide launch of Is It Boston? The site does one thing and one thing only, tells you if a zip code is […]

WordCamp Boston 2010
As I mentioned on Justin’s blog the other day, I’m off to WordCamp Boston 2010 today! The Boston organizers have put together a great schedule and I’m pumped to meet some fellow WordPress enthusiasts and talk shop. I’ll post an update about the conference tommorow, in the meantime if you’re going to be at WordCamp […]

Five Things I Adore about Dorchester
Today is ADORE-Chester! day, a celebration of Dorchester, my home neighborhood where I was born, raised, and live in today. There’s many great things about Dorchester, but for today’s article we’ll talk about five of them. For more great points of Dorchester, check out the other blogs participating in ADORE-Chester! Day. Dorchester’s History Dorchester is […]

Michael Flaherty Now Engages on Twitter
Though blogging and social media are quite old now, many people still doubt it’s power. Well, what if I told you that a blog post here may have encouraged a Boston City Councillor and Mayoral Candidate to not only re-vamp their strategy, but to do so in just one day? Would you then begin to […]

Michael Flaherty, It’s Not About You, It’s About Me
Here’s the problem with comparing yourself to an iPhone, if you don’t back it up by actually utilizing new technologies well, you come off as insincere and gimmicky. That’s the spot Michael Flaherty, one of the candidates for Mayor of the City of Boston, has placed himself in, at least in this blogger’s eyes. This […]

Five Things the Boston Globe Does Well
Long-time readers of this blog will know I rag on The Boston Globe a fair amount. Well in today’s post we’ll visit the other side of the coin and talk about a few things the Boston Globe does well. Now, this post won’t be full of praise. Rather, I’ll point out a few areas where […]

The Wine Riot: The Sequel
One of Boston’s best events, Wine Riot, returns to Boston this summer with a new and improved location. The Wine Riot will be hosted at the John J Moakley Courthouse on Boston’s Waterfront. What a sick location, eh? The Wine Riot staff are really big on ensuring there’s a relaxed atmosphere to their events where […]

In Support of the South Street Diner
If you haven’t heard yet, the South Street Diner may be forced to close at 2 AM. A major gripe against Boston is the lack of 24 hour restaurants and businesses. The South Street Diner is one of the less than a handful of places where you can sit down and get a hot meal […]

Sunshine: Banned in Boston
You heard it here first, Mother Nature has issued an official decree banning all forms of sunshine in the City of Boston. The ruling just came down the wire. Farmers, solar panel owners, and really all Bostonians, even the super-pale “we burn to a crisp in five minutes” majority, are outraged at the new natural […]
Panelist on Tonight’s Pokin’ Holes Podcast by DART Boston
As the title says, tonight I’ll be appearing as a guest on the Pokin’ Holes podcast brought to you by the DART Boston group. In essence, DART Boston is an organization founded to help young entrepreneurs in the City of Boston connect with and learn from each other. Tonight’s podcast episode should be up on […]
Boston #BikeUp This Sunday
Sick of all the rain that’s been falling in Boston lately? Well, this Sunday afternoon, June 28th is being forecast as rain-free or at least rain-lite so it’ll be a perfect time to get on your bike and pedal about! To that end, come join Aaron Cohen (@UnlikelyWords), Josh Gans (@SportsFan4), and myself (@AdamPieniazek) at […]

Dot Day 2009
The 2009 Dorchester Day Parade was one of the better ones in recent memory. The sun shined the whole day with temperatures rising above 80 degrees. It was a gorgeous day for the onlookers, but probably a tad too hot for all the parade marchers. Keep in mind, the Dot Day parade starts in Lower […]
City of Dorchester? Nay. City of Boston? Yeah!
Two weeks ago, I had a call out to my readers who reside in the Dorchester neighborhood of Boston to partake in a survey for an article I was writing for The Dorchester Reporter. Well, the article is out in the latest edition of the Dot Reporter, on newsstands now. Before I dive into this […]
The Cash Train
While hopping on a Red Line train to Porter Square to meet up with the Boston Sports Fan, Mr. Joshua Gansie, I noticed the T seemed to be broadcasting a victory message alerting us that it has finally solved all of its budget woes. That or this destination display glitch is yet another fine example […]
Boston Tweetups
Lately, I’ve written about Twitter a good amount here and dropped Twitter tips at The 42nd Estate’s blog and wanted to share with my Bostonian readers a few tweetup events going on this week and next week. Tweetups are basically events that are organized and attended by Twitter users [Twitter + Meetup = Tweetup]. As […]

Werewolves of the T
While waiting for a green line train at the Park Street MBTA station, a familiar tune rang through the air. Walking to the source made me realize it was the 1978 Zevon hit song Werewolves of London. For some strange reason, sometimes, when I’m biking around the city, high on adrenaline and endorphins, I like […]

Calling all Dorchester Residents (Current & Former)
As some of my readers already know, I’m a resident of the Dorchester neighborhood of the City of Boston. On June 7, 2009, Dorchester will be celebrating Dorchester Day, an annual celebration to commemorate the founding of Dorchester. Dorchester Day Originally, Dorchester was a separate city from the City of Boston and was much larger […]
Is There Room for Sarcasm Online?
As a Bostonian, I have an ingrained sarcastic style. Nearly all Bostonians, and especially the ones born and raised here, and certainly all the ones who remember a time when Boston sports were full of sham (no wow), have a similar sarcasm built into their DNA. It developed as a defense mechanism to protect us […]
He Stole Home! He Stole Home!
It was a very action packed Boston sports weekend, combined with the very warm weather some might say it was a near perfect Boston weekend. We had the Celtics play the Bulls into double overtime, the Patriots draft day, and the biggest rivalry in all of professional sports in town at Fenway Park. Unfortunately, (or […]

How to Really Save The Boston Globe
Lately every Boston blogger except yours truly has thrown around ideas on how to save the Boston Globe. I won’t discuss whether it deserves to be saved, for the purpose of this article we’ll assume it is a valuable part of the community (both in terms of jobs and journalism) and assume it needs to […]

Wine Riot! Get Your Drink On
Since it seems my readers love when I write about alcohol, let me tell you about a great event I’m attending this Friday called Wine Riot! The event is hosted by The Second Glass and Dig magazines. It is basically a two day wine festival with all you can drink wine from distributors from around […]
Who is the Real Boston Sports Guy?
Over at The 42nd Estate, we recently launched a new site, Sports Fan 4, which mainly covers the local Boston sports teams but will also report on the national scene and big stories from other teams. For instance, Josh just posted a preview of the Final Four national championship game going down tonight between my […]
Vampire Panic at the Boston Latin School
Final Edit: This whole story was basically blown out of proportion. A few students believed they were vampires. One student may have bit another student in the neck. The Boston Police were called in Wednesday for a supposedly “unrelated matter” (Boston Globe), which fueled rumors. To conclude, 99.9% of the Boston Latin School student population […]

Blighted Edward Everett Square Building Set for Renovation
As a longtime resident of the Edward Everett Square/Polish Triangle area of Dorchester, there has been one building which has been a blight on my neighborhood as far back as I can remember. The building is the NE Brake Building located at 1299 Massachusetts Avenue. Well, according to The Dorchester Reporter, this building is (finally) […]
My New Server’s First Test
Yesterday was a pretty big day here at Prose of a Pol. I woke up rather early yesterday, at 4:30 AM to be exact, and felt energized and ready to be productive after only four hours of sleep. I immediately began pumping out posts. First I published a trailer of a Battlestar Galactica remake that […]
Epic Dancing at Celtics Game Caught on Jumbotron
As many of you already know, I’m a Boston Celtics season ticket holder; so, when I recently saw this video of a Celtics fan getting down to Bon Jovi’s Living on a Prayer I knew I had to share it with y’all! Here’s the video from another C’s fan who was filming the Jumbotron at […]
Check out My Article about Bikes Not Bombs in Momentum Magazine
It’s been a bit too long since I’ve posted here and a few updates will come soon but for today, check out my first published article ever in the latest edition of Momentum Magazine! A while back I posted a review of Bikes Not Bombs on and was approached by one of the editors […]
Dorchester Boston Apartment for Rent – $1600 – 3 bedrooms
Not sure how this post will do but figured it’s worth a shot. The third floor of the triple decker house I live in in Dorchester, MA is up for rent. It’s a nice 3-4 bedroom 1250 square foot apartment in a really nice neighborhood and is for rent at a relatively cheap price. For […]
The C’s Raise Up Banner #17
So last night was awesome. For a rare night, I left my bicycle at home and hopped on the red and green line to the Garden, sporting my vintage Paul Pierce jersey and my big ass banner ticket, with immense pride the whole ride. In a bit of a hurry from finishing up my John […]
Opening Night for the World Champion Boston Celtics
Guess whose going to opening night tonight at the TD Banknorth Garden for the World Champion Boston Celtics? Here’s a hint: Yup, that ticket is awesome. Getting to see championship banner #17 hoisted up to the rafters almost makes up for not being there in person when they won it (I had tickets to Game […]
My 2008-09 Celtics Season tickets
So to finish off the week of hand-written snail mail, check out what also arrived the old fashioned way this week. Bam…those are some shiny tickets! We season ticket holders certainly deserve some of our own bling for cheering the C’s on to their 17th banner last year. Hopefully this year ends up in some […]
Got a Business Card? Help Set a World Record!
A few days ago I thought I somehow stepped through a time warp as I opened my mailbox and found a piece of non-corporate snail mail. At first I eyed this envelope suspiciously as it was not my birthday nor could I conjure any other reason for the snail mail. As my paranoia subsided, my […]
To Boston & the Red Sox, It’s OK
Yesterday as I jumped on my bicycle to pedal home after watching the Sox game in town, one angry fella walking by with his group of buddies yelled out: Aaarrgh this suck this sucks, this fracking sucks For once, I did not feel the same way. In fact aside from being slightly cold I did […]
Nice Guys Don’t Finish Last, We Make Sure Everyone Else Finished Safely!
So, last week Brazen Careerist held an event right here in Boston with free food and free drinks. Obviously, I was excited at the chance to eat and be merry for free while meeting some fellow Brazen bloggers, especially since Brazen was nice enough to allow us to invite our friends to the event. Well […]
SHOCKER: Patriots Win without Tom Brady!
We’re only one game in, but let’s take a look at the reasons why The New England Patriots will win Super Bowl XLIII and see how we stand: The team has something to prove, again. I’ll let Rodney Harrison answer this one [via]: To come in here, to this hostile environment, and win when […]
The New England Patriots will win Super Bowl XLIII
Don’t rub your eyes or slap yourself, you are reading that title correctly. No, this is not an old post. Yes, I know Tom Brady is out for the season. No, I am not completely insane (just marginally). I’ll repeat it so you know it’s not a typo, the 2008-2009 New England Patriots will win […]
Wicked Cool Stop-motion Trip Through Boston
So this dude Robbie posted a video to vimeo of over 3,000 photos he’s compiled into a cool stopmotion video of three days of his life in Boston and the surrounding areas. It’s really quite cool and makes me want to pick up an SLR camera. Check it out below: 3 Days – 3,038 Photos […]
The Labor Day Firefighters
Today is Labor Day but that doesn’t mean we all get a day off. The bloggers of the world don’t follow the “normal” work schedule and much more importantly, neither do firefighters. I was walking back to my house from the Dunkin Donuts at the start of the street and saw a fire truck down […]
Pictures of My Clean Wheels & Twitter Crash Update
A long, long time ago on a post far, far way I promised to upload more pictures of my (then) new (but used) bicycle. Well, months later I’m here to make good on that promise! I cleaned my bike up a few days ago and took the chance to snap a few photos of my […]
Boston Bicycle Film Festival Tomorrow
To those of my readers in the Boston area, check out the Bicycle Film Festival tomorrow at the ICA. Films start at 1:00 PM and continue through the afternoon with the last screening at 9:00 PM. If you go to any of the films between 3:00 PM and 6:00 PM be on the look out […]
Flight of the Charles River Ducks
A little over a week ago I was hanging out at the Charles River shore on the Boston side during a particularly nice and sunny day. While chilling underneath a tree taking in the great view I noticed a few ducks also just chilling a few feet in front of me. After taking a few […]
My 2008-09 Celtics Season Ticket Schedule
A few days ago the Boston Celtics released their schedule for the upcoming 2008-2009 NBA season. Today an e-mail arrived in my inbox from the C’s announcing the release of their half-season schedules. As a half-season ticket holder, I was obviously quite curious to see what games I’d be attending (especially since I thought I’d […]
Bicycle Lanes in Boston*
As we went into the weekend, Boston Mayor Thomas M. Menino’s Gracious Government of the City of Boston introduced two new bicycle lanes into Boston, increasing the number of bicycle lanes on non-state roads in the area formerly known as Boston to two. Here’s a look at a part of the bike lane at Commonwealth […]
Friday Video: A Bicycle Commute in Photos
Check out this cool video Casey found via the Bostonist: Apparently that commute only takes the bicyclist 15 minutes, a pretty good pace for a 3-4 mile trip!
Fire on Trull Street in Dorchester
At 3:00 AM today I was up invigorated by my 11 PM – 1AM non-stop bike ride around the city and was discussing a few graphics for a header for a new site when I undeniably smelled smoke from something burning. I’d smelt it 10-15 minutes earlier and heard fire trucks but finally the smell […]
Mini Flash Flood Dorchester [with Video]
A large and powerful though swift moving thunder storm rolled through the Boston area yesterday afternoon. Here’s three pictures of the mini flash flood it caused on my street in Dorchester. My step-dad asked me if I looked outside and since it had only been raining for a few minutes I hadn’t but that quickly […]
Spider Squirrel, Spider Squirrel, Does Whatever a Spider Squirrel Does
While biking behind one of the Boston University buildings Friday afternoon, this spider squirrel caught my attention. Here’s the squirrel just chilling while it observes what I’m doing: As it realizes I’m not a threat, it goes on it’s way, doing whatever a spider squirrel does, which apparently means running on this ledge in a […]
Hulu Streaming Game 1 & Game 6 of the 2008 NBA Finals – Boston Celtics vs. LA Lakers
Here’s the full streaming video of Game 1 of the 2008 NBA Finals between the Boston Celtics and the Los Angeles Lakers: Here’s the full streaming video of Game 6 of the 2008 NBA Finals between the Boston Celtics and the Los Angeles Lakers:
Super Cyclist Troopers
This past Sunday was a particularly gluttonous day for myself and two of my buddies. We grilled multiple times and overall ate a bit too much food, though a lot of it was vegetables. Lately I’ve been eating a lot more food due to biking everywhere but Sunday’s grilling session was overkill. As you can […]
LA, You Got Rondo’d
Haha, excellent. This championship still feels a little bit surreal.
Celtics Draft JR Giddens
With the last pick in the NBA draft, the Boston Celtics drafted J.R. Giddens, a New Mexico Lobo (and former Kansas Jayhawk). As I haven’t been intensely watching college basketball the past few years I wasn’t aware of this kid but from some of his youtube videos he’s clearly a very diesel and athletic basketball […]
Great Weekend to All
I know I promised a post today with pictures and analysis but it’ll have to wait, I simply need a break from all the Celtics excitement. Oh, and this blog was also on the other day bringing the first huge wave of traffic to this site, I’m glad it was able to withstand the […]
LA Got Beat!!!
Just a quick post to celebrate the Boston Celtics historic, record-breaking 17th NBA championship. Congratulations guys, you certainly deserve it! I’ll post some pictures, analysis of the game and series and my experience tomorrow. For now, I’ll let Mr. Brian Scalabrine break down why the Boston Celtics should have been the favorites all along. You’re […]
Let’s Go Celtics!
Contrary to my prediction before this series started, I’ve got a feeling the Celtics will win tonight and clinch the NBA championship. As much as I’d love to personally see the C’s win game 7 I see Paul Pierce leading the Celtics through a very tough game and ending the night as NBA champions. Let’s […]
Web Quotes and Counterpoints VI
Double post today to make up for my latest unexplained absence from the blog! Sorry for violating my own advice from Web Quotes and Counterpoints V about posting short notes to let everyone know the deal. So contrary to what I wrote on the last day of May, I had tickets to Game 2 of […]
Celtics POWEr to Two Game Lead
The big, big take away from Game 2 of the back to the 80’s NBA Finals featuring the flashy offensive one man team Los Angeles Lakers against the grimy team-oriented defensive Boston Celtics is that the C’s are much, much more physical than the Lakers (starting 5 and bench) and can dominate the game when […]
Beat LA
The Boston Celtics pro shop got it right, two words are enough: Click the shirts to go through to the Celtics pro shop. I just picked up one of each color. They won’t get here in time for me to wear to Game 1 Game 2 [oops] but I feel it’s gonna be a long […]
Happy Birthday Mom!
Today’s post goes out to a very special woman, my mom! As I’m successfully unemployed, I’m unable to lavish my mom with expensive gifts but that’s OK. In fact, that’s one of the reasons I love my mom, because she doesn’t care about how much money is spent on her but rather the thought behind […]
The Cyclists
To celebrate the end of Boston’s Bike Week here’s a great video I discovered a few days ago about the cyclists. Enjoy! Now, all cyclists for sure do not act like that but it is a funny take on the stereotype. Best line ever: “Do not worry, he is biodegradable!” Have a great weekend everyone!
Boston Bike News
Boston’s first annual Bay State Bike Week kicked off with quite the ruckus yesterday. First Mayor Menino struggled to bike the ceremonial half-mile from City Hall Plaza to Post Office Square in very windy conditions. I’ll admit it was quite windy and a struggle at times to pedal yesterday. Plus, I’m getting over a cold […]
Sunny Pictures
Yesterday was the best day weather-wise in Boston in over a half year, with temperatures reaching up into the 80’s and sunny blue skies all around. I spent the day nearly biking around the whole city (about 40 miles in total) and took a few photos. Check them out below (you might need your sunglasses […]
Today’s Biking Path Part 2
In a follow up to yesterday’s post showing my biking path here’s another Google map showing the route I took to get to an apartment on Winter Hill to watch the Sox-Yankees and Bruins-Canadians game last night (both of the good guys won). This second leg of my trip was another 15 miles, so in […]
Today’s Biking Path
Quick post to show ya’ll the trip I took today. Google says it was a bit over 15 miles, but the path drawn out is not exactly the path I biked but a relatively close approximation. Destination B on the map is the Fruit Center Marketplace at 10 Bassett Street in Milton. If you’re ever […]
Look What I Got today!
Here’s my first video post, it’s about a very, very cool and awesome UPS package I got today.
My Celtics Playoff Tickets
About eight months ago I made a great decision, to buy Celtics half-season tickets. By my best estimates I went to about half of the regular season games I had tickets for but yesterday, the real reason I bought Celtics season tickets arrived in my mailbox: Yup those are my Celtics playoff tickets and nope […]
The Sun as Seen by the iPhone
So it was a very sunny day here in Boston and the sky was completely blue without any clouds. While playing with my dog outside I snapped this picture of the sun with my iPhone: Brilliant, eh? It’s amazing how that big bright exploding gob of gas fuels us, our planet and everything found on […]
The Environmentally Damaging City of Boston Recycling Program
Globalization is not a bad idea. In fact, free global trade (which the linked post argues does not currently exist) is a wonderful concept that would improve living conditions for the majority of earth’s inhabitants and is necessary for humans to survive. However, globalization creates oddities such as the below pictures. Everything looks good, right? […]
Casting Call for New Bruce Willis Film, The Surrogates
I just received an e-mail from a good friend about an open casting call for the film The Surrogates, starring Bruce Willis and Rhada Mitchell. The film is a science-fiction story about a futuristic world where humans interact with each other via surrogate robots while every human sits at home in isolation. The film appears […]
“Fresh” Fish Market
Check out this sign at a small market in Field’s Corner in Dorchester, MA: “Fresh” Fish…don’t let anyone say they didn’t warn them!
Bought My Celtics Playoff Tickets
So as mentioned in this post, I’m the proud owner of a pair of Boston Celtic half-season tickets. About a week or two ago an invoice arrived in the mail for playoff tickets and today I finally secured my seats for rounds 1 & 2 of the NBA playoffs (and just a few days before […]
Biggest Upset in Football History: Giants Beat Pats
This sucks. A new level of stomach punch game. The New England Patriots are just like Ivan Drago from Rocky IV. Mr. Tom Brady, If you were hurt you shouldn’t have played. If you weren’t hurt, well you know no individual performance can overshadow a loss, especially one this big, but dude what happened in […]
The Satellite is Orbiting, The Bugs are Listening, The Cameras are Rolling: 24 Hours Until Pats Play Giants in Biggest Game Ever
Well, the anti-Patriots machine is running full-blast with Senator Arlen Specter asking why the “Spygate” tapes were destroyed and Matt Walsh, former video assistant with the Pats, claiming to possess evidence of the organization cheating well before this year or last year. Meanwhile, an anonymous source tells ESPN that the Patriots taped the Rams walk-through […]
Edward Everett Square Redevelopment
Awhile back I walked around my neighborhood with a digital camera snapping pictures. At the time, there was a huge redevelopment project that had finished up in Edward Everett Square, featuring a huge pear and a bunch of bricks with sayings inscribed into them. Here’s a few of the pictures I took that day of […]
The Peyton Manning Face Appears One Week Early
What a great weekend of playoff football. Though I didn’t watch the whole game, Brett Favre and the Packers playing anybody on a snow-filled Lambeau field is entertaining. Then, Saturday night we got to see the Greatest Show on FieldTurf operating at a near maximum efficiency. The Jaguars tried to utilize the bend but don’t […]
Humble Pats Serve Dynasty Pie to Hungry Cowboys
This is a guest post from sports blogger Josh Gans. He writes on a regular basis at Sports Fan 4. The humblest of pie is served in Foxboro, Massachusetts. After a 48-27 passing barrage of Tom Brady to Donte Stallworth, Wes Welker, Ben Watson, Kyle Brady, Kevin Faulk, and of course Randy Moss who had […]
Duel in Dallas: The Patriots of New England Invade the Cowboys Homeland.
Good start, Cowboys don’t cross the 20 till the third play of the game. And that’s why the line shouldn’t be in the Cowboys favor (which according to a Google search for “pats-cowboys line”, it isn’t. Pats are favored by a safety and a half minus the 3 point home-field advantage). Both teams are undefeated […]
Red Sox Clinch Home-Field Advantage
Though the AL East division was all wrapped up before Saturday night’s Red Sox game (#161 on the season), home-field advantage was still up for grabs. With the Sox win that night, we now are guaranteed home-field advantage throughout the playoffs and end up tied with the Cleveland Indians for the best record in baseball. […]
Not My iPhone
I ran into an iPhone hacker today. My iPhone is at its original settings as voiding the warranty on a $350 device is not fiscally realistic, right now. So, today was my first chance to play with an open iPhone (still locked to AT&T, which is not a BIG deal) and it was awesome! Being […]
The Second Glass & MAP Boston
Last week I attended the Boston Young Entrepreneur’s meeting at City Hall, where I met quite a few interesting people. Amongst the group was Tyler Balliet, CEO and Publisher of The Second Glass, an unpretentious wine magazine. For my Bostonian readers, you may recognize The Second Glass from the half-page article in the August 22nd […]
Boston: Hub of the Blogiverse
That’s right Boston! We’re #1, again, in yet another area. First public high school, first college, first public transportation system and so on. Now we can add being the first city crowned bloggiest city by We’re #1, baby! Sing it with me, we are the champions, no time for losers (Philadelphia) because we are […]
R.I.P. Joan “Superman” Duran
Yesterday afternoon, an instant message brought me news of a fallen soldier, a true hero who met an unfortunate end. According to the Boston Globe, Joan Duran of Boston was killed by a bomb during his second stint in Iraq. Joan is the first person I’ve known to have been killed in either the Iraq […]
Kevin Garnett a Celtic: We’re Baaaack!
Last night, when the Kevin Garnett trade broke, perksisabeast summed up my feelings in his post, The worst trade in Celtics history draws perilously near, perfectly. Then after reading Bill Simmons’ post, McHale adds another notch to his Celtics legacy, and being reminded [by perksisabeast] to always look on the bright side of life, I […]
Something Facebook Doesn’t Know
I logged into my facebook account earlier today and saw this sponsored ad in my news feed: For those who don’t know, State Street is a global custodial bank for institutional investors. In other words, a bank for super-rich groups and people. The confidentially agreement prevents me from citing specific clients, but think hedge funds, […]
“I’ll Teach You to Laugh at Something That’s Funny”: The Simpsons Movie Review
Five minutes into The Simpsons movie, the guy sitting behind us summed up my opinion quite well, “it’s already worth the $10 ticket”. I chuckled and nodded my approval as I settled in for a joyride through my adolescence with all my old animated chums. I had reservations about the The Simpsons Movie before going […]
Best Political Candidate Ever: None of the Above
Instead of a post tonight, please check out this article in today’s Boston Globe by Andrew Ryan. The article describes a proposal by William H. White of East Dennis, MA which: would add the line “none of the above: for a new election” on ballots to the choices for each elective office. If the none-of-the-above […]
State Street Tears Up Wall Street
Normally, I try to avoid talking about my employer on this site to avoid getting “dooced“, but today marked a great day for State Street. We announced our earnings for the past quarter and reported a 61% increase in profits from a year ago, up to $366 million! We also reported record revenue of $1.921 […]
3 Useful Tags, Life Quotes, & Traffic Generators
Daniel from Daily Blog Tips is running a blog project revolving around the number three, so here are three sets of three useful things: tags, quotes, and traffic generators. 3 Useful Tags I’m a big fan of and a while ago noticed people were tagging articles with toread for articles and blog posts […]
Wicked Awesome Fireworks in Boston on the Fourth of July
I went to see the fireworks display last night with some peoples from Charlestown and took a couple videos of the awesome celebration. We were on the Cambridge side of the Charles river right across from the barge with the fireworks so we had an excellent vantage point. This is not a knock on other […]
Happy Independence Day!
This flag rises up a few steps from Edward Everett Square, my hood yo! Although our current President’s disreguard for the constitution, or seemingly any law may incite you to light fireworks, even if your city or state prohibits them, or drink beer and party in excess, even if you’re underage, I urge you to […]
Orb: Paranormal or Naturalistic?
While taking pictures around my house (you’ll see why soon), a picture I took on my porch of the grassy field next to my house looked a bit unusual. Can you see it? Yup there’s a strange white orb, floating in the sky. From watching many a episode of Ghost Hunters on the Sci-Fi channel […]
Boston Latin School: Wolfpack Pride
I just received an e-mail newsletter from the Boston Latin School Alumni Association with a nice piece of news about my alma mater, we’re now ranked the #78 best high school in America by Newsweek. Oh…and to Ephemerous, a Bostonblogger comrade, I did not see Latin Academy on the list, but hey there’s always next […]
Wicked Awesome: AL East Standings as of 05/28/2007
Well, you don’t need a thousand words to describe this picture; in fact, five will do quite nicely. Red Sox Rock, Yankees Suck! Image courtesy of
Freedom, Banned in Boston: Mayor “Mumbles” Menino Fumbles with WiFi
By modern standards, I’ll be discussing some old news tonight, but it’s important and a topic I want to throw in my two cents on. A little over a week ago, a Boing Boing reader discovered that the popular group blog was banned on Boston’s WiFi network (for more background on the story, Google “WiFi […]
Logan Airport’s Rainbow Cove Green Parking Garage
Well, I’m just throwing that one post a day standard out the window, eh? [Imaginary Editor’s Note: Adam is not a Canadian although he uses “eh?” quite liberally] Well, breaking news of the sort you’re about to hear makes all standards completely invalid. I’m proud to announce that Boston has set a new world record […]
eBay: Pro Scalping?
I just logged into my eBay account (you’ll see why soon enough) and found this e-mail from eBay’s Government Relations department, sent on April 17, 2007: “Today in your state capital, proposals for legislation are being drafted that claim to support an open market for buying and selling concert or sporting event tickets. But these […]
Facebook Network Stats
I stumbled upon a pretty cool feature on facebook’s redesign a few days ago, stats for categories such as music and movies for networks. If you’re a facebook user and wanna check out what I’m seeing click on Networks, scroll down and you should see a “Network Statistics” section on the right side. If you’re […]
Live Away from Your Favorite Baseball Team’s Market? You Almost Lost Access to their Games…
Back when I was attending the University of Southern California & North Carolina at Chapel Hill, my biggest annoyance was not receiving Boston Red Sox games in my dorm. Of course, I could have sprung for the Extra Innings package, but I was in college…I didn’t have that kind of money to spend on TV! […]
Down with Textbooks! What Schools, Publishers and You can do to Reduce Textbook Costs
Ah, college textbooks, the fine print on your college bill. It literally sickens me thinking about the literally thousands of dollars I’ve spent on college textbooks during my college, ahem, journey. Everywhere I’ve gone, students always complain about the high costs of textbooks and the low (if any) re-sale value. It seems colleges are listening […]
Prestigious Education: What is it?
An article on, The Triumph of Victor Valley Alums: Or why you shouldn’t sweat it if you don’t get accepted to an Ivy League school, goes into a detailed discussion on why high school seniors shouldn’t worry if they didn’t get into the absolute top tier of schools. Tom Keane, tells high school seniors […]
Turbo Tax Rap
I discovered this gem while perusing facebook today: Apparently, Intuit, the makers of Turbo Tax, are hosting a contest on YouTube for the best rap video about Turbo Tax. If you think that video is as funny as I do, please go here and vote for them. I’ve looked through some of the other entries, […]
Comments Fail at The Boston Globe
By Adam on July 16, 2009
While reading through the sites in my feed reader yesterday, a headline from Universal Hub caught my eye. Wait, somebody actually reads the comments at the bottom of Globe and Herald articles? The master of enticing headlines strikes again. Since I’m one of the, apparently, few people who do read the comments at the end […]
Posted in Boston | Tagged boston globe, comments, community, fail | 11 Responses