Historic Moments from Adam’s Storied Sports Career
If you’re not a subscriber to Josh Gans’ Sports Fan 4 site, you’re missing out. Head over there and subscribe today. Today’s a perfect time for Dot Boston readers to head over as I just posted an article about the top six moments from my sports career. In brief they are: My First Time Getting […]
Way to Be Tarheels
Congratulations on your fifth NCAA basketball title. And thanks for extending my personal streak of titles won by my sports teams to ten in the past eight years! For everyone like me who couldn’t make it out there, check out this video of Franklin Street from the Daily Tar Heel. Here’s a time-lapse of the […]
How I Quit Smoking In Less Than One Minute And You Can Too! Part 1
Being relatively smoke-free for more than six months now I’m here to tell you about the immense benefits of not smoking and how to quit smoking in less than one minute. There’s simply too much material to cover in one post so we’ll have a 3-4 part series about cigarettes, their dangers and how to […]
Parties, Business, Impeachment and Music
In lieu of a post tonight, I’d like to give out a few quick shout-outs to some people I know in “real world” and their digital manifestations. First up are my fellow Tar Heels over at Thrills on the Hill. The fellas over there are posting events going on in Chapel Hill during the summer. […]
Facebook Network Stats
I stumbled upon a pretty cool feature on facebook’s redesign a few days ago, stats for categories such as music and movies for networks. If you’re a facebook user and wanna check out what I’m seeing click on Networks, scroll down and you should see a “Network Statistics” section on the right side. If you’re […]
Down with Textbooks! What Schools, Publishers and You can do to Reduce Textbook Costs
Ah, college textbooks, the fine print on your college bill. It literally sickens me thinking about the literally thousands of dollars I’ve spent on college textbooks during my college, ahem, journey. Everywhere I’ve gone, students always complain about the high costs of textbooks and the low (if any) re-sale value. It seems colleges are listening […]
Internet, Say Thank You to the Telegraph
So far, the only class I can say I’ve completely uploaded is the Communications class I completed at UNC-Chapel Hill during the Spring 2006 semester. The class analyzed the role technology had on improving modern communications and vice versa. The class starts by discussing the telegraph and how it kick-started the modern communications era by […]
A Wicked Long Post about College
I have a vision and several goals in my mind for this blog, one of which is to build credibility for my current school, the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. This college is my fourth in the past five years and will hopefully be my last one for my undergraduate career. I graduated from the […]