Lego Printer
Saw this a while ago and thought I’d share the awesomeness. Check this printer made entirely out of LEGOs!
Turf Dancing in the Rain
Is apparently how they roll in Oakland because here’s a video of two crews turf dancing in O,CA, in the rain too.
Four candidates for Swagger Oakland?
The Videogame Car
Anyone who has played a videogame with driving in it will appreciate this video. In it a scientifical test is run where two drivers attempt to drive a car with a third person camera mounted on the car. All the windows are blacked out so the drivers can only use the third person view.
As if it really needed to be said but…
OS Xbox Pro: An Awesome Computer Mod
If you’re a computer hardware geek, you’re going to love this mod. In a nutshell, the guy needed to build a Mac computer for work purposes, disliked Macs, so he built himself a Mac Pro Hackintosh…housed in an Xbox case.
Watch and enjoy.
Trailer for Collapse
Check out the trailer for Collapse, a documentary that pinpoints how we’re on a precarious precipice and it’s up to us whether we fall or stand. There’s a few things I love about this video:
- Amazing disintegrating fonts.
- It’s a a “horror documentary”.
- Michael Ruppert – he’s like a film noir superhero journalist.
- “It’s not that Bernie Madoff was a pyramid scheme, the whole economy is a pyramid scheme” [a great quote]
Face-Off with a Deadly Predator
Here’s a cool National Geographic video I found via reddit.
Quite amazing the interaction the seal had with the cameraman.

Battlestar Galactica in Reverse
If you don’t already know, I am a huge fan of the superb science-fiction show Battlestar Galactica. I am also a huge fan of the social voting site reddit. While browsing through the latest stories this morning, I came across this comment about Battlestar Galactica in reverse. Simply put, it adds a whole new level […]
Music is Math
You might not know it from reading this blog, but I’m very intrigued in the overlap of science and arts. While on the surface they seem to be completely unrelated, in practice logic and creativity tend combine together in both areas. In my mind, Einstein’s theories are artistic just like Picasso’s paintings are scientific. Neither are about randomly creating something out of intuition, nor are they solely focused on following an algorithm to success. […]
More Awesome Animation by Steve Scott
Remember the Birdy Nam Nam video I posted here a little while back? Well, here’s another awesome animation video by the same guy and his team. This video is called Exos and dare I say is even more wierd and even more awesome than the video for Parachute Ending!
Check it out:
Exos from Steve Scott on Vimeo.

Hulu Multi-tasking
Just read an article in The Boston Globe about Hulu, internet TV and our “multitasking culture”. In the piece, Matthew Gilbert muses about streaming TV shows and how it’s so different from watching shows on a regular television set. Amongst his complaints are that you can’t watch internet TV from the comfort of your couch […]
Family Guy + The Shawshank Redemption = WIN
Last night, Boston sports was in full swing with the Bruins, Celtics and Red Sox all playing at the same time. It was worth it, as all three teams won, completing a Mother’s Day Sweep. This concurrence of Boston sports made me miss Family Guy, and it turns out it was a great episode. But, […]
Everyday by Carly Comando
Check out this music video by Carly Comando for the song Everyday. Many of you NBA fans probably know the song from all those The NBA: Where Amazing Happens commercials. It’s very chilling and powerful. Wicked epic song. Makes sense the NBA would use it because it makes me want to walk around doing epic […]
Beautiful Global Collaborative Covers by Street Musicians
Be prepared for it to get real dusty wherever you are. I logged into my facebook account earlier and saw a shared video link from Mona. Since she usually shares awesome links I clicked through and was blown away. The link was to a Gizmodo post titled Best Video I’ve Seen Today Will Make You […]
Blogging Through History
To all the bloggers amongst my readers, the video below is a must watch. It’s a short video from CBS by Josh Landis and Mitch Butler which shows the concept of blogging is not really as new as we think. It’s a fascinating video and it’s less than 3 minutes long. In fact, I’ll say […]
How Battlestar Galactica Will End
Basically, everyone will die. They destroy the evil Cylons but the black hole sucks them in and the screen fades to black as we follow them into the depths of the gravity well. Science fiction geeks the world over will riot at the Sopranos-esque ending. Kara Thrace will literally be the harbinger of doom, as […]
Are You Constantly Happy? Now There's Help!
Do you constantly find yourself smiling, laughing, and being in good spirits? Do people find your optimistic outlook on life annoying? Are you having trouble keeping friends, jobs and lovers because of your exuberance? Well, fret no more as now there’s help! Check out this “news” clip below to find out more. For more funny […]
Epic Dancing at Celtics Game Caught on Jumbotron
As many of you already know, I’m a Boston Celtics season ticket holder; so, when I recently saw this video of a Celtics fan getting down to Bon Jovi’s Living on a Prayer I knew I had to share it with y’all! Here’s the video from another C’s fan who was filming the Jumbotron at […]
Build Me Up, Buttercup…on Ukulele!
To follow up from Saturday’s post about the cover of The Final Countdown on ukulele and kazoo, here’s Build Me Up, Buttercup covered on ukulele by jaaaaaaa. This girl has got one hell of a voice! Hopefully that brightens up your Monday Morning. 🙂
ROCKING: The Final Countdown on Kazoo and Ukulele
Check out this clip from Edinburgh of crouts0 covering the song, The Final Countdown, all by himself on a ukulele with a kazoo attached. It’s quite impressive and rocking! Rocking, eh?
Nipples poking out at the world!
So I’ve awoken from my post thanksgiving slumber (which was great, best turkey ever!) and while skimming through the latest ramblings from Bill Simmons came across some very rare deleted scenes from The Shawshank Redemption, the greatest movie of all time. There’s two scenes, the second features Morgan Freeman laughing hysterically for about a minute, […]
Attractive Girls Union Refuses To Enter Into Talks With Mike Greenman
To follow this site’s recent trend of funny Friday videos, here’s another hilarious clip from The Onion News Network. Attractive Girls Union Refuses To Enter Into Talks With Mike Greenman HAHA! 🙂 Have a great weekend everyone!
Doooood, I got soooo drunk last night.
Anyone whose been to college has heard it more than once. Doooood, I got soooo drunk last night. Having attended four colleges, it’s a statement I’ve heard many a time, and even uttered once or twice. With the positive feedback to last week’s Obama Zombies video from The Onion, here’s another gem from America’s Finest […]
Misia barking at Misia barking at dogs on TV
Ever been to an amusement park that has one of those fun houses with the mirrors that bounce off each other so you end up just seeing yourself over and over and over again, to the point of utter confusion? Well, check out this short but funny clip of our dog, Misia, barking at some […]
Wicked Cool Stop-motion Trip Through Boston
So this dude Robbie posted a video to vimeo of over 3,000 photos he’s compiled into a cool stopmotion video of three days of his life in Boston and the surrounding areas. It’s really quite cool and makes me want to pick up an SLR camera. Check it out below: 3 Days – 3,038 Photos […]
Music for your Friday: Trilok Gurtu & Living Legends
So I was listening to a random stream of music in my iTunes when some funky percussion music starts blaring through my headphones. A quick glance to iTunes reveals the name of the artist as Trilok Gurtu. I didn’t even know I had any of his songs but am glad I do (the perils of […]
Ronald Jenkees Throwing Fire
Long time readers here will know of my huge fondness for Mr. Ronald Jenkees and his crazy beats. Well Ronald has uploaded a new video to youtube entitled “Throwing Fire”. Check out the song below: For more Ronald Jenkees beats, make sure to pick up his debut album from for only $8.99! So far […]
Friday Video: A Bicycle Commute in Photos
Check out this cool video Casey found via the Bostonist: Apparently that commute only takes the bicyclist 15 minutes, a pretty good pace for a 3-4 mile trip!
Get Well Morgan Freeman
If you haven’t heard, the best actor alive, Morgan Freeman, was in a car accident today. Luckily, it seems he’ll make a near full recovery. His publicist Donna Lee stated: Morgan has a broken arm, elbow and has minor shoulder damage but was in good spirits when I spoke with him a short time ago. […]
The Dark Knight
Wow. I had very high expectations for this film (based on the extremely positive reviews and ratings out there and from comments friends made) and The Dark Knight met those expectations. This movie is fantastic. Personally, I’ve become a bit tired of all the super hero movies coming out but The Dark Knight advances the […]
IPhone 3G: Does It Blend?
I’m off to the get some documents notarized and filed with the City of Boston so enjoy this video of a brand new iPhone 3G getting blended. Have an awesome weekend everyone!
Must Impeach! Cheney-Bush Have Too Much Time Left!
Two videos for you tonight. First up is a video warning us that President hijack Bush and Vice-President Halliburton Cheney have too much time on their hands to mess up our country even more. Of course, any time war criminals have any time is too much time! What makes little sense is that if Congress […]
Mini Flash Flood Dorchester [with Video]
A large and powerful though swift moving thunder storm rolled through the Boston area yesterday afternoon. Here’s three pictures of the mini flash flood it caused on my street in Dorchester. My step-dad asked me if I looked outside and since it had only been raining for a few minutes I hadn’t but that quickly […]
Cute Pussy Loves Rabbit
Wow, my traffic is going to skyrocket with that title! 😉 To follow the lead from last Friday, I figured I’d share this video with you all. Awww what a cute cat and rabbit. Personally, I’m a dog person and I’m allergic to some cats but still, they’re quite the cute combination. I’ll be back […]
Elect a Democrat? Five Reasons This Video Confirms Why I won’t Vote Democrat (nor Republican)
For today’s post, please first watch this video, entitled “Elect a Democrat”: If the above did not load, please try the quicktime version. Now, this video brings up a few points and I’ll blog about how these points exemplify a few of the reasons I won’t be voting for any Democratic candidates during the upcoming […]
Hulu Streaming Game 1 & Game 6 of the 2008 NBA Finals – Boston Celtics vs. LA Lakers
Here’s the full streaming video of Game 1 of the 2008 NBA Finals between the Boston Celtics and the Los Angeles Lakers: Here’s the full streaming video of Game 6 of the 2008 NBA Finals between the Boston Celtics and the Los Angeles Lakers:
A Few Videos for Your Friday
Happy Friday everyone! My elbow is still a bit tight and sore from the fall I took a few days ago so this morning I’ll share a few more videos from Revver with you. Daily Greens 86 – Workin’ For The Weekend One positive benefit of rising gas prices, four day work weeks! Hopefully 4 […]
The Human Mirror
Check out this video from the Improv Everywhere group where they turn a subway car into a human mirror!
The Day After Earth Day Day
Check out this great video about the The Day After Earth Day Day, which promotes helping the earth by reducing her! Box n Shovel…haha…loi.
The Cyclists
To celebrate the end of Boston’s Bike Week here’s a great video I discovered a few days ago about the cyclists. Enjoy! Now, all cyclists for sure do not act like that but it is a funny take on the stereotype. Best line ever: “Do not worry, he is biodegradable!” Have a great weekend everyone!
Top Reasons I Just Wrote a List
It’s nice outside. I’m successfully unemployed. I don’t want to spend all day inside. I pulled an insomniac semi all-nighter doing psuedo-work and watching Diary of the Dead (great realistic-style zombie film) and Loose Change Final Cut (a free documentary). I’m a bit lacking in the creative buzz department right now, so you should join […]
Look What I Got today!
Here’s my first video post, it’s about a very, very cool and awesome UPS package I got today.
Going Down to South Park – Free Episodes Online Now!
Following in the footsteps of Hulu, the creators and copyright holders of the animated cartoon South Park have decided to release all South Park episodes online for free of cost but supported by advertisements. In a huge contrast to content interrupting Hulu ads, the advertisements on South Park Studios appear on the site itself, and […]
Casting Call for New Bruce Willis Film, The Surrogates
I just received an e-mail from a good friend about an open casting call for the film The Surrogates, starring Bruce Willis and Rhada Mitchell. The film is a science-fiction story about a futuristic world where humans interact with each other via surrogate robots while every human sits at home in isolation. The film appears […]
Hulu Adds Full-Length Movies
I just logged into Hulu today for the first time since the site went public and noticed they’ve add full-length movies to their video collection. This addition is great news, but from my very limited time checking out the movie section, it seems advertisements still pop up during the movie. I understand that advertisements fuel […]
Hulu Goes Public Today!
Just two days after I (finally) reviewed they (finally) decide to open to the public after four and a half months of being in beta. I approved of Hulu then and I still approve of them now. Hopefully, now that they’re open to the public, a larger diversity of advertisements will flow in thus […]
Hulu Review
A while back I got into the Hulu beta program (note: I still have 5 invites, send me an e-mail if you want an invite) but did not really use the site too much at the time. Recently, however, I moved my television out of my room and into the basement. Since then I’ve barely […]
Battlestar Politica
Whoa…I always thought there was something a bit off about the look of John McCain, and now I know what it is. In official breaking news, I’ve discovered (with help from Literal Barrage) that John McCain is a Cylon. Don’t believe me? Check out the crazy resemblance John McCain has to Colonel Tigh, who I’m […]
Coming Soon: Free Ronald Jenkees CD!
I know I’ve been slacking a bit with this blog; the combination of very nice weather and lack of classes until 2008 have been quite the distraction (must take advantage of it while it lasts)! For those readers who saw I bought an iPhone and have been waiting for my opinion, it’s been one week […]
Ray Anderson: Personal, Corporate, Societal Leader
As Interface Carpets’ mission focuses on environmental sustainability, Ray Anderson’s leadership style shows evidence of both ethical and servant strategies. Since the environment is a resource shared by and endowed to all humans and life on earth, any company which disproportionately uses environmental resources for its own benefit, especially in a harmful manner, is acting […]
The Baseball Tennis Mashup
To break up the mood from yesterday’s historically rage inciting post, check out this new sport (thanks John for the link). I’ve always wondered what would happen if baseball and tennis were combined…OK not really, but still that video is awesome, though I’m skeptical if it’s real. If it is, those kids got Tiger Woods […]
“I’ll Teach You to Laugh at Something That’s Funny”: The Simpsons Movie Review
Five minutes into The Simpsons movie, the guy sitting behind us summed up my opinion quite well, “it’s already worth the $10 ticket”. I chuckled and nodded my approval as I settled in for a joyride through my adolescence with all my old animated chums. I had reservations about the The Simpsons Movie before going […]
Not Too Much Fun: A Review of the Ronald Jenkees Debut Album
As promised in last night’s post, here’s a more in-depth review of Ronald Jenkees self-titled debut album. Derty The album starts out with one of my favorite songs, which is a great song all unto itself, but gets extra points for introducing Bill Simmons’s podcast. It’s been a lot of fun watching this song progress […]
Know Your Rights: The Fair Use Doctrine
This post will be brief as I’m in the finals period for the Management 365: Business and Its Environment class, but I wanted to wish everyone a very Happy Fair Use Day! Posted below in it’s entirety, is the fair use doctrine from the U.S. Copyright Office. Know your rights everyone and enjoy the holiday! […]
Wicked Awesome Fireworks in Boston on the Fourth of July
I went to see the fireworks display last night with some peoples from Charlestown and took a couple videos of the awesome celebration. We were on the Cambridge side of the Charles river right across from the barge with the fireworks so we had an excellent vantage point. This is not a knock on other […]
Bill Simmons & Ronald Jenkees, Together At Last!
For those of you who read my prior post on Mr. Jenkees, Ronald Jenkees: A YouTube Musical Phenom, you’ll be pleased to know Bill Simmons, the wicked good sports columnist over at ESPN, has chosen and integrated Jenkees Dirty Bass song as the introduction for his podcast. His podcast has also changed names from The […]
Ronald Jenkees: A YouTube Musical Phenom
Check out Ron Jenkees’ intro for Bill Simmon’s podcast. This track is a banger. Ron does a great job of describing the track himself, “It’s got a real dirty sound, like a rusty steak knife cutting through a well aged steak.” If Bill Simmon’s doesn’t use this for his podcast, I might just stop listening […]
Turbo Tax Rap
I discovered this gem while perusing facebook today: Apparently, Intuit, the makers of Turbo Tax, are hosting a contest on YouTube for the best rap video about Turbo Tax. If you think that video is as funny as I do, please go here and vote for them. I’ve looked through some of the other entries, […]
Fracking Battlestar Galactica Withdrawal!
Aaargh…I am seriously suffering from Battlestar Galactica [BSG] withdrawal. For those of you who don’t know, BSG is a show on the SciFi Channel based on a show of the same name from 1978. BSG is, in my humble opinion, the best show on TV today. The basic storyline is that humans, living on 12 […]