Boston #BikeUp This Sunday
Sick of all the rain that’s been falling in Boston lately? Well, this Sunday afternoon, June 28th is being forecast as rain-free or at least rain-lite so it’ll be a perfect time to get on your bike and pedal about! To that end, come join Aaron Cohen (@UnlikelyWords), Josh Gans (@SportsFan4), and myself (@AdamPieniazek) at […]

Car-free for nearly a year!
For the past year I’ve been nearly car-free. I won’t say it’s been easy but my only regret so far is that I did not start driving less sooner! My unofficial count is that during the past 365 days I’ve either driven or been a passenger in a car a total of less than fifteen […]
Weekend Web Quotes
Lots of interesting stories out around the web, let’s take a look at a few of the best ones before we hit the weekend. Mr. Money, my new alter-ego over at My Last Name Means made an early debut to discuss why any bank bailout is bad. Simply put it encourages poor business practice […]
Pictures of My Clean Wheels & Twitter Crash Update
A long, long time ago on a post far, far way I promised to upload more pictures of my (then) new (but used) bicycle. Well, months later I’m here to make good on that promise! I cleaned my bike up a few days ago and took the chance to snap a few photos of my […]
Bicycle Lanes in Boston*
As we went into the weekend, Boston Mayor Thomas M. Menino’s Gracious Government of the City of Boston introduced two new bicycle lanes into Boston, increasing the number of bicycle lanes on non-state roads in the area formerly known as Boston to two. Here’s a look at a part of the bike lane at Commonwealth […]
Friday Video: A Bicycle Commute in Photos
Check out this cool video Casey found via the Bostonist: Apparently that commute only takes the bicyclist 15 minutes, a pretty good pace for a 3-4 mile trip!
Super Cyclist Troopers
This past Sunday was a particularly gluttonous day for myself and two of my buddies. We grilled multiple times and overall ate a bit too much food, though a lot of it was vegetables. Lately I’ve been eating a lot more food due to biking everywhere but Sunday’s grilling session was overkill. As you can […]
The Cyclists
To celebrate the end of Boston’s Bike Week here’s a great video I discovered a few days ago about the cyclists. Enjoy! Now, all cyclists for sure do not act like that but it is a funny take on the stereotype. Best line ever: “Do not worry, he is biodegradable!” Have a great weekend everyone!
Boston Bike News
Boston’s first annual Bay State Bike Week kicked off with quite the ruckus yesterday. First Mayor Menino struggled to bike the ceremonial half-mile from City Hall Plaza to Post Office Square in very windy conditions. I’ll admit it was quite windy and a struggle at times to pedal yesterday. Plus, I’m getting over a cold […]
Sunny Pictures
Yesterday was the best day weather-wise in Boston in over a half year, with temperatures reaching up into the 80’s and sunny blue skies all around. I spent the day nearly biking around the whole city (about 40 miles in total) and took a few photos. Check them out below (you might need your sunglasses […]