Why Drivers Shouldn’t Honk at Cyclists
If the honking was to encourage me to move over so you can speed past me, then I usually move further into the lane and block you from passing me.
Why do I do this?
Because 90% of the time if you can’t pass a bicycle you either shouldn’t be passing because the road is too narrow or you suck at driving.

Five Things I Adore about Dorchester
Today is ADORE-Chester! day, a celebration of Dorchester, my home neighborhood where I was born, raised, and live in today. There’s many great things about Dorchester, but for today’s article we’ll talk about five of them. For more great points of Dorchester, check out the other blogs participating in ADORE-Chester! Day. Dorchester’s History Dorchester is […]
Boston #BikeUp This Sunday
Sick of all the rain that’s been falling in Boston lately? Well, this Sunday afternoon, June 28th is being forecast as rain-free or at least rain-lite so it’ll be a perfect time to get on your bike and pedal about! To that end, come join Aaron Cohen (@UnlikelyWords), Josh Gans (@SportsFan4), and myself (@AdamPieniazek) at […]
Boston Guest Post Roundup
The past week or two I’ve written a few guest posts for two other Boston blogs that I’ll share with you here. Why I Bike Shane from Boston Biker approached me about writing a guest post for his awesome blog about bicycling in Boston. I was glad to accept as Boston and bicycling are two […]
Web Quotes & Counterpoints XII
Lately a ton of great posts and articles were published, setting up a great edition of Web Quotes and Counterpoints. Let’s get right to it! First up, check out my entrepreneurship coach’s latest post about living fearlessly and without regrets. The crux of the post is that we should act more and spend less time […]
Check out My Article about Bikes Not Bombs in Momentum Magazine
It’s been a bit too long since I’ve posted here and a few updates will come soon but for today, check out my first published article ever in the latest edition of Momentum Magazine! A while back I posted a review of Bikes Not Bombs on OTIBR.com and was approached by one of the editors […]
A Few Quick Notes
A few quick notes to let everyone know about some exciting times ahead for myself and this blog. My company My readers who’ve been here from the start, known that I started a company a while back with three of my friends. Well, that company never quite took off but in April of this year […]
Boston Bicycle Film Festival Tomorrow
To those of my readers in the Boston area, check out the Bicycle Film Festival tomorrow at the ICA. Films start at 1:00 PM and continue through the afternoon with the last screening at 9:00 PM. If you go to any of the films between 3:00 PM and 6:00 PM be on the look out […]