Lessons Learned from an Accidental rm -rf *
One of the main principles that’s been hammered into me from lectures and experience over my 15+ years of computing is backup, backup, backup. It becomes even more crucial when you start hosting sites, especially sites for other people. On all the servers we run, we backup site and database files nightly, with automated syncs […]
iPhone Irony
In the you can’t make this stuff up category, check out what happened right as I clicked to read about how AT&T stated its network is fine in the mobile Google Reader site on my iPhone. Yeah, umm, AT&T your network is not fine.

One Reason the iPhone Will Be Disrupted
Robert Scoble published a post yesterday that raised 85,000 reasons why the iPhone will continue to dominate smart mobile sales. But, there’s one giant reason that Scoble skipped. The network. Yes, the topic was been raised and covered multiple times before, but the fact remains that AT&T’s voice and data networks are struggling to keep […]

ClickToFlash: A Must Have Safari Plugin
Do you ever have issues with Safari going crazy? As mentioned in my 45 Free Mac Apps list, I love Safari and spend most of my browsing time in its friendly confines. But every now and then, the safari turns ugly as fans blare, beachballs spin and cpu and memory use skyrockets. And the problem […]
45 Free Applications for Your New Mac
Over the weekend I helped a buddy pick out a brand new Apple MacBook Pro laptop and realized that I’ve slowly but surely become an Apple Evangelist. To help my buddy and other new Apple users make the most of their new Macs here’s 45 free applications for Mac OS X. Productivity Check off Very […]
Apple Gave Me a New iPhone!
Apple’s great customer service comes through! A few days ago my iPhone stopped responding to any and all inputs. Even iTunes would not see the device. Well, Darrin, the Apple genius guy, was able to get my old iPhone working but still exchanged it for a brand new iPhone just because of all the issues […]
My iPhone Died
Yesterday, my iPhone stopped responding to touches or button presses. Now, this particular iPhone (an 8 GB, non 3G) has been acting up almost since I got it but it was never really a big issue. It would become unresponsive for a few seconds and then kick back in. Now, however, it simply does not […]
IPhone 3G: Does It Blend?
I’m off to the get some documents notarized and filed with the City of Boston so enjoy this video of a brand new iPhone 3G getting blended. Have an awesome weekend everyone!
This Blog Now iPhone Friendly!
Check it out iPhone visitors, this blog is now super iPhone friendly. This blog appeared 99% fine in Safari on the iPhone before [some videos wouldn’t play due to lack of Flash] but now it’s optimized so the text fits perfectly on the screen. Sure, all the advertisements and other personal theme stuff goes away […]
20 Mac Applications I Just Deleted
Lately I’ve felt the need to get rid of a lot of clutter in my life, both physical and digital and operate on a more minimalist spectrum. I’ve spent the past few days organizing e-mails, catching up on RSS feeds, and centralizing my files. Let’s take a look at twenty of the Mac applications that […]
Web Quotes and Counterpoints VII
As a thank you to my top commentators of the first half of this year, this edition of Web Quotes and Counterpoints will feature quotes from my readers’ blogs only! June was my best month yet for this blog and I owe it to all of you. Thank you! We start off with Matt of […]
Quick Apple Safari Tips
Did you know holding the control, alt/option, or command/apple keys while hovering over links in Apple’s Safari browser on Mac OS X brings up new options? For instance, holding control will bring up a menu (the ‘right click menu’) when you click on a link. Holding the alt/option key while hovering will download the linked […]
Web Quotes and Counterpoints III
We haven’t discussed my buddy Ronald Jenkees in a while, so let’s check out what’s happening on his youtubes. From the Ronald Jenkees himself: My friend accidentally figured out that Oklahoma’s Malcolm Kelly’s freestyle went perfectly with my beat “Remix to a Remix”. So he helped me cue the video up and it’s actually cool. […]
Red Sox Clinch Home-Field Advantage
Though the AL East division was all wrapped up before Saturday night’s Red Sox game (#161 on the season), home-field advantage was still up for grabs. With the Sox win that night, we now are guaranteed home-field advantage throughout the playoffs and end up tied with the Cleveland Indians for the best record in baseball. […]
Not My iPhone
I ran into an iPhone hacker today. My iPhone is at its original settings as voiding the warranty on a $350 device is not fiscally realistic, right now. So, today was my first chance to play with an open iPhone (still locked to AT&T, which is not a BIG deal) and it was awesome! Being […]
Coming Soon: Free Ronald Jenkees CD!
I know I’ve been slacking a bit with this blog; the combination of very nice weather and lack of classes until 2008 have been quite the distraction (must take advantage of it while it lasts)! For those readers who saw I bought an iPhone and have been waiting for my opinion, it’s been one week […]
Good Things (iPhone) Come Cheaper to Those Who Wait
For the past year, my cell phone service has been on a month to month basis, as my contract ran out last August and Verizon Wireless eliminated the plan I was under. Since I didn’t want a cheaper/more expensive plan, I stayed in a month to month plan. Now, one year later, my decision has […]
This Space for Sale
It’s surprising how many of the marketing methods utilized by advertisers from the Industrial Era and later are still used today. For instance, the concept of maintaining integrity of the medium at craigslist.org leads to a huge range of categories which contain and restrict the listings to defined spaces, similar to the column and type […]
Start iTunes & Last.fm Simultaneously
Inspired by Paul Stamatiou’s post on a Finder plugin to restart Firefox, I decided to tackle a long standing personal issue with iTunes and last.fm. For those not in the know, last.fm is in essence a music tracking program; any song you play in your iTunes gets sent to the last.fm site, where you can […]
Following Footprints: How Sriram Ayer and Small Dog Create Paths for their Followers
Umass Amherst – School of Management 697PP: Perspectives on Leadership Summer 2007 Discussion #2 Read the short case on Small Dog Electronics on page 7 of your textbook [Adam’s Edit: Art and Science of Leadership (4th Edition) by Afsaneh Nahavandi].Also read the very short [Adam’s Edit: Fast Company] article in the module folder about an […]
Click…Click…Click: How a Virtual (K)Ubuntu Penguin Saved My 50GB Music Collection
Late yesterday afternoon, I was cruising around the internet, listening to some music and doing a few other miscellaneous tasks. I was wicked relaxed and thought it was a good idea to kick my legs up on my desk and rest my laptop on my lap for a few minutes…well I forgot the USB cord […]
It Just Works: How Apple’s Planning & Strategy Create Intuitive Interactions for Consumers
Pending any errors or glitches, I’m done with my group project for my Statistics course (10% of the final grade), so now all I have to do is take the Statistics Final and I’m done with the Spring semester! To mix things up a bit, tonight I’m posting the last essay for my Fundamentals of […]
Why I Spent $1800 on a Macbook Pro
The assignment for this essay was to write about the consumer decision making process. Choose a product that you bought recently. It must be complex buying behavior. It should not be something that is an ordinary purchase or that you purchase on a regular basis. Describe your purchase as it pertains to each stage of […]