Five Things the Boston Globe Does Well
Long-time readers of this blog will know I rag on The Boston Globe a fair amount. Well in today’s post we’ll visit the other side of the coin and talk about a few things the Boston Globe does well. Now, this post won’t be full of praise. Rather, I’ll point out a few areas where […]

New Design!
Over the weekend I unveiled a new design here. The old one was around for a little while (during my switch to Thesis theme I basically kept my previous design) and I really wanted to go in a different direction. What Changed? The new design features a fixed header that stays at the top wherever […]
Three Cool Products from Mass Innovation #3
Last night I attended Mass Innovation #3. It took a few minutes for us to find the Charles River Museum of Industry & Innovation, where the event was held. The directions read a little bit like a treasure map: in the mill building right next to the river, look for the Museum under the smokestack […]
Thesis Theme Comes to Prose of a Pol
Like a virus, it seems the Thesis theme is spreading to more and more blogs everyday. There’s no end in sight and deservedly so. After previously winning the Thesis theme, but not actually receiving it, I held a grudge against the theme, which was obviously silly. A few months back, Jim Spencer (@fairminder) ended up […]