Five Things the Boston Globe Does Well
Long-time readers of this blog will know I rag on The Boston Globe a fair amount. Well in today’s post we’ll visit the other side of the coin and talk about a few things the Boston Globe does well. Now, this post won’t be full of praise. Rather, I’ll point out a few areas where […]

Scribnia: Yelp for Writers
A little while back, I saw a tweet from Stuart Foster stating that David Spinks had invites to give out to a new site called Scribnia. Excited by the description of the site, a review community for bloggers, journalists and other writers, I immediately sent David a tweet asking for an invite. I’ve been using […]
Come and Get Your Commentluv!
It’s all over the blogosphere already and this blog should have had it months ago but nevertheless I’m still proud to announce the addition of commentluv to this site! That’s right, now when you comment here you’ll automatically receive a (followed) link back to your most recent post! I love my readers and commentators, you […]
Comments Fail at The Boston Globe
By Adam on July 16, 2009
While reading through the sites in my feed reader yesterday, a headline from Universal Hub caught my eye. Wait, somebody actually reads the comments at the bottom of Globe and Herald articles? The master of enticing headlines strikes again. Since I’m one of the, apparently, few people who do read the comments at the end […]
Posted in Boston | Tagged boston globe, comments, community, fail | 11 Responses