As a longtime resident of the Edward Everett Square/Polish Triangle area of Dorchester, there has been one building which has been a blight on my neighborhood as far back as I can remember. The building is the NE Brake Building located at 1299 Massachusetts Avenue. Well, according to The Dorchester Reporter, this building is (finally) being renovated!
Pete Stidman of the The Dorchester Reporter writes that the new owner, Steven Turner,
…is sprucing up the building’s curved storefront and installing a small fruit and vegetable market to complement the giant Clapp’s pear across the street.
“This is an interim solution,” said Steven Turner, the owner. “I’m in the process of marketing the building but I don’t have ink on paper yet. Ultimately what would I like to see? What I would prefer to see is some kind of restaurant, bank or retailer that was fitting and appropriate to the community.”
Turner is in the midst of replacing the first story doors and windows on the building, and said the plan is to open the market, maybe under the name New Market Farm Stand, by April 15. A man named Sam Fremi, who has had a booth in the Chelsea Produce Market and the Haymarket is set to run the place.

Fresh wooden boards!
Sounds great! Heck, they could literally open anything in the new building and it would be an immense improvement over the existing structure. However, a fresh produce stand will be a great addition to our neighborhood and fit in with the decor of the Pear statue perfectly. I can’t wait to review the stand and share it with all of you on April 15!
You can read the entire article, along with plenty of other Dorchester related news, in the latest edition of The Dorchester Reporter (link is to .pdf download of the newspaper). Special thanks to Bill Forry and Pete Stidman of The Dorchester Reporter for the news and allowing me to share the article content with you.
This building looks great, I just love the curves, We dont tend to get alot of this type of buildings here in the UK, so thank you a million for sharing this great look photo of a great looking building.
I think this is most oldest wooden beautiful building. Also you can not find such kind of buildings in Australia. Thanks for sharing this information with us.