Yes, A New Theme!
You may have noticed this site’s look changed drastically overnight. The site was due for a new look and the last few days’ GPL and Thesis discussions pushed me to make a change ASAP. At the same time, Justin Tadlock released Outline, a new child theme for Hybrid that is quite pleasant on the eyes […]

My Last Name = tl;dt
Ever since I can remember, my last name (which, btw, means money) has been an issue. It’s too long, too Polish, and too convoluted to pronounce/remember. There’s a saying around the interwebs, tl;dr, which means “too long; didn’t read”. Well, my last name = tl;dt; too long; didn’t type. Moving to As you might’ve […]

A New Name for an Old Blog
If you look closely, you’ll spot that I’ve retitled this blog. It’s the third title in the history of this site and in my opinion the best one yet. What once was Adam Pieniazek, and then was Prose of a Pol, is now: Dot Boston Prose of a Pol was always a bit clunky. Sure […]

New Design!
Over the weekend I unveiled a new design here. The old one was around for a little while (during my switch to Thesis theme I basically kept my previous design) and I really wanted to go in a different direction. What Changed? The new design features a fixed header that stays at the top wherever […]
Boston Guest Post Roundup
The past week or two I’ve written a few guest posts for two other Boston blogs that I’ll share with you here. Why I Bike Shane from Boston Biker approached me about writing a guest post for his awesome blog about bicycling in Boston. I was glad to accept as Boston and bicycling are two […]
Guess whose the Author of the Day on Scribnia?
Today your favorite Boston blogger is being featured as the Author of the Day on Scribnia! What’s that? I’m not your favorite blogger from Boston? It’s actually Josh Gans, Stuart Foster, Adam Gaffin, the Whalehead King, [insert name of other Boston bloggers here]? Well, I’m cool with that. We’ve got a ton of great writers […]
Thesis Theme Comes to Prose of a Pol
Like a virus, it seems the Thesis theme is spreading to more and more blogs everyday. There’s no end in sight and deservedly so. After previously winning the Thesis theme, but not actually receiving it, I held a grudge against the theme, which was obviously silly. A few months back, Jim Spencer (@fairminder) ended up […]
My Content Syndication Policy
Recently I discovered a local newspaper was publishing my blog content on their site. At first I was pumped but when I took a look at the page where they were syndicating my content, I quickly noticed that they were publishing my entire feed! Doing so actually ends up hurting both the news site and […]
My New Server’s First Test
Yesterday was a pretty big day here at Prose of a Pol. I woke up rather early yesterday, at 4:30 AM to be exact, and felt energized and ready to be productive after only four hours of sleep. I immediately began pumping out posts. First I published a trailer of a Battlestar Galactica remake that […]
New Server
A few hours ago I moved this blog to a server run by The 42nd Estate LLC. There should be no issues but if you do experience any problems with this blog over the next two to three days that is why. If you’re reading this post then you’re already accessing this blog on the […]
Blast from the Past
In light of the recent bailout brouhaha, here’s two posts from the past that are highly relevant still. The first is a post featured on this blog, Prose of a Pol, and is a satirical look at how to obtain universal healthcare for everyone in the USA based on how the banks were bailed out. […]
Check out My Article about Bikes Not Bombs in Momentum Magazine
It’s been a bit too long since I’ve posted here and a few updates will come soon but for today, check out my first published article ever in the latest edition of Momentum Magazine! A while back I posted a review of Bikes Not Bombs on and was approached by one of the editors […]
Happy Holidays!
Quick post today to wish all my readers (who are celebrating holidays now) a happy holiday season! I hope you get to see friends and family and have a good time. Here’s to a great new year too! Happy Holidays ya’ll!
Find DoFollow, Be DoFollow, Do DoFollow
So we discussed DoFollow earlier this week on The 42nd Estate’s blog (you are subscribed, aren’t you?) but just to spread the word a bit further, let’s check out what we learned. First up, DoFollow means links on a site get crawled by Google, thus giving the linkee a bit of a boost. Second, many […]
Mega Contest: 10 Awesome Blog Themes Up For Grabs
As I was browsing around a few custom theme blogs looking for a designer to revamp The 42nd Estate site (and a few others), I stumbled upon this mega contest featuring 10 premium wordpress themes. The contest started a couple weeks ago and runs until November 28. There will be ten winners, one for each […]
A Few Changes
Made a few changes on the blog yesterday to streamline it. Got rid of the tag cloud and recent posts widgets and two ads (from the footer and sidebar), moved the Google ads up a bit, and changed my homepage so that only one full post shows up with three excerpted posts below it. I […]
New Social Buttons
Quick post to point out the new social network buttons in the right sidebar. They come via Justin from Life Of Justin, and are available for free to use and abuse. If you have not done so yet, join the smartest people on the internet and add me on facebook, follow me on twitter or […]
Posts from the Past
In our world of growing economic uncertainty (thanks bailout!), let’s take a look at some posts from my past that shed a little bit of light onto today’s economic issues: AIG and General Re Fraud Right near the start of this blog, this post about AIG and General Re corporation points out that AIG simply […]
Nice Guys Don’t Finish Last, We Make Sure Everyone Else Finished Safely!
So, last week Brazen Careerist held an event right here in Boston with free food and free drinks. Obviously, I was excited at the chance to eat and be merry for free while meeting some fellow Brazen bloggers, especially since Brazen was nice enough to allow us to invite our friends to the event. Well […]
$2,200 in Contest Prizes at Bradblogging!!!
Quick post today to let everyone know about a great contest over at Bradblogging, featuring prizes worth $2,200! That’s a whole lot of value right there! Personally, I’ve donated 3 months of free 125 x 125 ads on this blog to the contest AND The 42nd Estate has donated $42 in cold, hard, cash (in […]
Name Change – Prose of a Pol
When this blog was first created I intended to use it for professional reasons, as a blog-resume-portfolio mashup. Thus, at the time I simply left the name of this blog as Adam Pieniazek. Well, I’ve finally gotten sick of the uber-lame title and today decided to change it to Prose of a Pol. In case […]
Use CommentLuv? Show Andy Ur Luv!
I’ve been using Andy Bailey’s fantastic wordpress plugin, CommentLuv here for a couple of months now and love it. The plugin basically allows other bloggers who leave comments to also leave a link to their latest post, or with the new edition of the plugin choose from their ten latest posts. It’s a great idea […]
A Few Quick Notes
A few quick notes to let everyone know about some exciting times ahead for myself and this blog. My company My readers who’ve been here from the start, known that I started a company a while back with three of my friends. Well, that company never quite took off but in April of this year […]
This Blog Now…
Few quick notes and updates about this blog now! This blog now has better up-time than Google! Check it out, I signed up for a web-site monitoring service called and received my first weekly report recently: Yeah! This blog had better up-time than Google last week! My host for this blog is bluehost. So […]
This Blog Now Syndicated via the Brazen Careerist!
Great day today as some posts from this blog will now be syndicated via the Brazen Careerist web-site. Welcome to any new visitors to this blog from the Brazen Careerist, take a moment to subscribe to my RSS feed to automatically get all my posts. Check out my author bio on the brazeen careerist. It’s […]
This Blog Now iPhone Friendly!
Check it out iPhone visitors, this blog is now super iPhone friendly. This blog appeared 99% fine in Safari on the iPhone before [some videos wouldn’t play due to lack of Flash] but now it’s optimized so the text fits perfectly on the screen. Sure, all the advertisements and other personal theme stuff goes away […]
Bye Bye Sezwho
A few days ago I installed the Sezwho plugin which allowed visitors to this site to rate comments and posts. At first the system seemed very smooth but today the Sezwho web-site went down and it resulted in my site not loading too. I’ve deactivated the plugin and my blog is loading again. My apologies […]
3 Cool Signs
As I twittered earlier today, I finally bit the bullet and sent Yahoo $25 to upgrade my flickr account to the Pro version. For anyone wondering why my photos section has been sitting at 200 photos for a month or two now, that’s why! You see though flickr is great, their free accounts are limited […]
Come and Get Your Commentluv!
It’s all over the blogosphere already and this blog should have had it months ago but nevertheless I’m still proud to announce the addition of commentluv to this site! That’s right, now when you comment here you’ll automatically receive a (followed) link back to your most recent post! I love my readers and commentators, you […]
Entrecard turns on the faucet to pour comments into your blog
Yesterday Entrecard founder Graham Langdon published a blog post to announce a big new partnership between Entrecard and Sezwho, the comment rating system. As you can see below [in the comments section of this post], this blog now features the Sezwho system. By no means is this a permanent addition to the blog here. For […]
Web Quotes and Counterpoints VII
As a thank you to my top commentators of the first half of this year, this edition of Web Quotes and Counterpoints will feature quotes from my readers’ blogs only! June was my best month yet for this blog and I owe it to all of you. Thank you! We start off with Matt of […]
Help Me Win $3,000 – Blogging Idol Contest
Daniel from DailyBlogTips is hosting a contest with a grand prize worth a whopping $3,000. The basis of the contest is to see who can increase their subscriber count the most in one month. Since I’m coming off my best month in terms of traffic I’ve decided to participate in the contest and see if […]
Month End Stats Report – June 2008
Today I’m introducing a new monthly feature post for this blog. After each month comes to a close I’ll share some statistics about this blog with you. I intend for these posts to be brief but informative for readers and advertisers. Speaking of which, click here if you’d like to purchase a 125 x 125 […]
We Have an Entrecard Winner!
As you may know, this blog was hosting an Entrecard contest with a grand prize of 1,000 Entrecard credits! Well the contest has come to an end and we have a winner! What’s that, you didn’t know about the contest? Well, if you subscribe to my RSS feed you’ll never miss such an opportunity again! […]
Reminder: Entrecard Contest Ends Soon
I had a few issues on the backend of this blog this morning that have taken all day to get resolved but I wanted to remind everyone about the Entrecard contest that ends in two days. The turnout has been great so far and we’re now up to 968 EC credits that are up for […]
900+ Free Entrecard Credits!
So I’ve been a member of the Entrecard community for a couple of months now and though I’ve gotten a bit extra traffic from the site I don’t think it’s the best use of my time or bandwidth. As such, I’ll be removing the Entrecard card from this blog in the next few days and […]
Great Weekend to All
I know I promised a post today with pictures and analysis but it’ll have to wait, I simply need a break from all the Celtics excitement. Oh, and this blog was also on the other day bringing the first huge wave of traffic to this site, I’m glad it was able to withstand the […]
RSS Resync
I noticed today that feedburner was not correctly referencing my site when I used relative urls for internal links. I’ve gone through my last ten posts and updated the relative links to absolute urls and have re-synced my feedburner feed. My RSS feed subscribers and regular visitors should not notice any disruption or other negative […]
Happy Birthday Mom!
Today’s post goes out to a very special woman, my mom! As I’m successfully unemployed, I’m unable to lavish my mom with expensive gifts but that’s OK. In fact, that’s one of the reasons I love my mom, because she doesn’t care about how much money is spent on her but rather the thought behind […]
Top Reasons I Just Wrote a List
It’s nice outside. I’m successfully unemployed. I don’t want to spend all day inside. I pulled an insomniac semi all-nighter doing psuedo-work and watching Diary of the Dead (great realistic-style zombie film) and Loose Change Final Cut (a free documentary). I’m a bit lacking in the creative buzz department right now, so you should join […]
With the Quickness!
Quick post today to let everyone know the super post about Bill Drayton mentioned in Monday’s post will be published tomorrow, Thursday May 8. In the meantime, if you haven’t already, check out Web Quotes and Counterpoints V and for sure subscribe to the RSS feed so you don’t miss a post. Also, if you […]
My New Old Wheels
After my previous hiatus, I wanted to let everyone know what I’ve been up to the past few days before I stayed out of touch for too long. This past Tuesday, I purchased a used bicycle from Bikes not Bombs in Jamaica Plain and have been enjoying the great weather we’ve been having here in […]
Back Up and Running
Something happened overnight to my site and it was not accessible this morning. If you tried visiting here this morning and were denied, sorry. The issue seems to be fixed at the moment (knock on wood). I’m not sure if the issue was from wordpress or my theme or something else but I solved it […]
Quick Note to My Feed Readers
Welcome to my new subscribers, I see quite a few of you made your way here from my recent Battlestar Galactica Top Ten list. Welcome and feel free to contact me with suggestions, complaints or advice. If you haven’t signed up for my feed, it’s a few seconds away at this link. To all my […]
My Redirects to WWW Work!
Yes! A long time ago (in this galaxy, not one far away), after reading Daniel’s WWW or no-WWW? post I implemented an Apache redirect in my .htaccess file to redirect my non-www address to It worked, but all non-www addresses would redirect to my homepage instead of to each individual page (for instance, […]
eDropper: The Automated Entrecard Dropper
A few weeks ago, I joined the blogger community Entrecard. A few days later my blog set new records for highest traffic in a single day, according to both wordpress stats and awstats. WordPress stats: awstats: Clearly, this Entrecard site had tons of potential to be a huge source of quality traffic to my blog, […]
Awesome Services from Scribbles and Words
I just found an awesome blog called Scribbles and Words run by the polymathematical Jay. His blog’s design really sticks out for its simplicity and uniqueness. It’s apparent that Jay has tremendous design skills and an ability to write in a captivating yet easy to read way. Jay is offering up these artistic skills to […]
Updates Galore
After catching some suspicious behavior on this blog, I decided it was wise to finally upgrade to the latest release of WordPress during my Saturday afternoon. After backing up my wordpress install and database, I set about disabling my plugins and then deleting old wordpress files. Then, this blog was ready for the new wordpress […]
An Explanation To You
It’s been a little over a month since I started writing here again and I still feel I owe my readers an explanation for my near three month gap between my last post in 2007 on October 14 and my next post on January 6, 2008. The truth is, I was starting to become burnt […]
Sales and Tech Carnivals
I’m participating in two carnivals this week and wanted to share them with you. Over at Technology Matter, the First Carnival of Tech is happening. In addition to my post from last week about the Redzee search engine, there were several other sites with great content. Check out the carnival when you get a chance. […]
Dear Feed Readers
Today’s post goes out to my RSS feed subscribers. I’ve recently spliced a daily summary of links I’ve posted to my account into the RSS feed. Do you enjoy this new feature or does it interfere with the textual content? I would very much appreciate your take on the matter either way and if […]
My Comment Policy
By Adam on March 3, 2009
Ever since moving this blog over to dofollow, I’ve noticed an increase in questionable comments. What I mean by that is comments that seem relevant to the post content but are spammy because of jamming keywords into the username field or the actual site linked is spammy. It’s these borderline comments that I’d like to […]
Posted in Blog | Tagged Blog, comments, dofollow, google | 7 Responses