Michael Flaherty Now Engages on Twitter
Though blogging and social media are quite old now, many people still doubt it’s power. Well, what if I told you that a blog post here may have encouraged a Boston City Councillor and Mayoral Candidate to not only re-vamp their strategy, but to do so in just one day? Would you then begin to […]

Michael Flaherty, It’s Not About You, It’s About Me
Here’s the problem with comparing yourself to an iPhone, if you don’t back it up by actually utilizing new technologies well, you come off as insincere and gimmicky. That’s the spot Michael Flaherty, one of the candidates for Mayor of the City of Boston, has placed himself in, at least in this blogger’s eyes. This […]

Five Things the Boston Globe Does Well
Long-time readers of this blog will know I rag on The Boston Globe a fair amount. Well in today’s post we’ll visit the other side of the coin and talk about a few things the Boston Globe does well. Now, this post won’t be full of praise. Rather, I’ll point out a few areas where […]

UnGoals for PodCamp Boston 4
In an article for Directory of Boston about PodCamp Boston 4, I talked a bit about some of the big names leading big talks at #pcb4. Though I’m sure the “A-team” will deliver great presentations and lead engaging discussions, they’re not what I’m most excited about PodCamp 4. Rather, it’s the impromptu discussions that’ll develop […]
My Facebook Vanity URL / Username
As you may have heard, facebook allowed users to pick a username starting at 12:01 AM today. I logged in and tried to get myself a vanity URL ending with “adamp”, but alas it was already gone. I settled on facebook.com/adampieniazek, which at least matches 95% of my other social network usernames. I also grabbed […]
Three Cool Products from Mass Innovation #3
Last night I attended Mass Innovation #3. It took a few minutes for us to find the Charles River Museum of Industry & Innovation, where the event was held. The directions read a little bit like a treasure map: in the mill building right next to the river, look for the Museum under the smokestack […]
Boston Tweetups
Lately, I’ve written about Twitter a good amount here and dropped Twitter tips at The 42nd Estate’s blog and wanted to share with my Bostonian readers a few tweetup events going on this week and next week. Tweetups are basically events that are organized and attended by Twitter users [Twitter + Meetup = Tweetup]. As […]

Hulu Multi-tasking
Just read an article in The Boston Globe about Hulu, internet TV and our “multitasking culture”. In the piece, Matthew Gilbert muses about streaming TV shows and how it’s so different from watching shows on a regular television set. Amongst his complaints are that you can’t watch internet TV from the comfort of your couch […]