Scribnia: Yelp for Writers
A little while back, I saw a tweet from Stuart Foster stating that David Spinks had invites to give out to a new site called Scribnia. Excited by the description of the site, a review community for bloggers, journalists and other writers, I immediately sent David a tweet asking for an invite. I’ve been using […]

Boston Young Entrepreneurs Recap
This past Tuesday, I gave a presentation about The 42nd Estate at the monthly business plan meeting of the Boston Young Entrepreneurs. There was a pretty solid turnout (I’m a terrible judge of these things but I’d say at least 30 people were in attendance) and a ton of awesome feedback. What I love about […]
The 42nd Estate at Boston Young Entrepreneurs
Boston Young Entrepreneurs is an organization I’ve been a part of for a little over a year. When I first decided to start up (yet another) a company, I began by attending BYE meetings, meeting other entrepreneurs and learning from their plans. As the workload with my own company, The 42nd Estate, started expanding I […]
Happy Birthday to The 42nd Estate!
It’s been a long, tough year with many challenges along the way, but we made it! The 42nd Estate is officially one year old! Head over to the site and celebrate with us as we give away $42 and a pair of Celtics playoff tickets. Way to be The 42nd Estate, way to be. Thanks […]
Contests at The 42nd Estate: C’s Playoff Tickets & Cash
As you may know, the company I co-founded will be turning one on April 8th! It’s been a long, tough year but we will survive. To celebrate this great occasion we’re holding three contests, two of which we’ve already announced. The third contest will be announced soon but I can give you a small hint, […]
Why You Shouldn’t Order Business Cards After Midnight
Recently I haven’t been updating this blog and our various blogs run through The 42nd Estate as much as I’d like but for good reason. We’ve been doing a lot of behind the scenes work to pump out new services and implement a slick new design for The 42nd Estate. Well, a few days ago […]
Blast from the Past
In light of the recent bailout brouhaha, here’s two posts from the past that are highly relevant still. The first is a post featured on this blog, Prose of a Pol, and is a satirical look at how to obtain universal healthcare for everyone in the USA based on how the banks were bailed out. […]
Got a Business Card? Help Set a World Record!
A few days ago I thought I somehow stepped through a time warp as I opened my mailbox and found a piece of non-corporate snail mail. At first I eyed this envelope suspiciously as it was not my birthday nor could I conjure any other reason for the snail mail. As my paranoia subsided, my […]
Justin Wright Joins The 42nd Estate!
Last Friday I promised everyone some big, big news involving The 42nd Estate and today it’s delivered! 😉 It’s with great honor that we’re introducing Justin Wright as the newest member of The 42nd Estate! For those of you who don’t know, Justin blogs over at Life of Justin about his trips, hiking expeditions, workplace […]
Web Quotes and Counterpoints IX – The 42nd Estate Edition
It’s time once again for the latest edition in the greatest (and really only) series on this site, that’s right it’s Web Quotes and Counterpoints IX – The 42nd Estate Edition! As you’ve surely surmised from the tantalizing title, this time around the web we’ll focus on The 42nd Estate and its vast repertoire of […]
The 42nd Estate is Live!
A few weeks ago I wrote about my company, The 42nd Estate LLC. Well, over this past Labor Day weekend the company’s main site launched! You can check it out at the42ndestate.com. We’re also planning on launching a few of the sites owned by The 42nd Estate this month. On the schedule we have: a […]