Article written by Adam

6 responses to “Entrecard turns on the faucet to pour comments into your blog”

  1. Justin

    I was just about to ditch Entrecard myself. I am really looking forward to this and hope it can bring us some more useful comments to our blogs. I just installed the SezWho plug-in myself and so far I think it is a decent tool.

    But we will see…

  2. ~Kat~

    I have been with Entrecard for awhile and I am really excited about this. Mostly because now there is a way to earn credits that really brings value to the blogs you visit.

    I love Entrecard for the visitors, and I think I am really going to enjoy SezWho for the comments!

  3. Jonas Larsson

    Adam, it looks like SezWho is gone. I take it that means you weren’t impressed??