Elementary School Rumor Report #1
Seeing as how some of the biggest news sources in Boston and the national scene have resorted to writing articles about high school rumors involving vampires, it is my duty as a blogger to sink to even lower levels. Thus, I’m proud to bring you the first (and most likely only) edition of the Elementary […]
Super Bush: A Real American Hero (Made in China)
When the rich need saving, don’t despair, call Super Bush! When the poor need to be stomped on, don’t get your shoes dirty, call Super Bush! When the middle class starts getting curious, don’t cut and run, call Super Bush! When we need to demonize socialism for all but demand it for the super-rich, don’t […]
The Two O’Clock Titty
Apparently this shadow occurs every afternoon at 2:00PM in San Francisco at the St. Mary’s Cathedral: Courtesy of Art Siegel a.k.a. artolog. Tip o the ol’ hit to Four20 via Pownce. Enjoy the weekend everyone!
“Fresh” Fish Market
Check out this sign at a small market in Field’s Corner in Dorchester, MA: “Fresh” Fish…don’t let anyone say they didn’t warn them!
Edward Everett Square Redevelopment
Awhile back I walked around my neighborhood with a digital camera snapping pictures. At the time, there was a huge redevelopment project that had finished up in Edward Everett Square, featuring a huge pear and a bunch of bricks with sayings inscribed into them. Here’s a few of the pictures I took that day of […]
“I’ll Teach You to Laugh at Something That’s Funny”: The Simpsons Movie Review
Five minutes into The Simpsons movie, the guy sitting behind us summed up my opinion quite well, “it’s already worth the $10 ticket”. I chuckled and nodded my approval as I settled in for a joyride through my adolescence with all my old animated chums. I had reservations about the The Simpsons Movie before going […]
Our Wicked Cute Dog, Misia
It seems the internet is obsessed with cats, and just how freaking cute they are. Well my humble opinion is dogs are a much better pet, animal, and friend for several reasons, not the least of which is that they are able to be vicious and cute. So to counter the internet’s cute cat bias, […]
3 From Every Tree: My Favorite Blog Project Entries
Last week, I wrote a post about 3 Useful Del.icio.us Tags, Life Quotes, & Traffic Generators, which was part of a blog project contest hosted by Daily Blog Tips. Well, the full list is up and after reading through all 115 entries, it’s obvious there’s a lot of quality bloggers on this list! You can […]
Northeastern University Teaches Students 3 Branches of Government
The recent news about our new government branch, the Cheney branch, reminded me of the Business Law class I took at Northeastern University last fall semester. Although it was a Business Law class, we had a brief overview of the US government structure and laws. During our first test, the following “gimme” question appeared: There […]
I’m a Browsing Maniac
Ever sit down at your computer to do something wicked productive, say write a blog post, e-mail, or essay, and instead up with a browser window that looks like this? The joke is, Flock [a “social web browser” based on Firefox, with cool stuff like integrated del.icio.us, flickr, and my new favorite, snippets – see […]
Prestigious Education: What is it?
An article on Boston.com, The Triumph of Victor Valley Alums: Or why you shouldn’t sweat it if you don’t get accepted to an Ivy League school, goes into a detailed discussion on why high school seniors shouldn’t worry if they didn’t get into the absolute top tier of schools. Tom Keane, tells high school seniors […]
Turbo Tax Rap
I discovered this gem while perusing facebook today: Apparently, Intuit, the makers of Turbo Tax, are hosting a contest on YouTube for the best rap video about Turbo Tax. If you think that video is as funny as I do, please go here and vote for them. I’ve looked through some of the other entries, […]