Web Apocalypse: Twitter DDoS, Kill IE6, Paid Online News, and Facebook Issues Oh Noes!
Well today and this week is turning out to be quite the day for web-tech related news. Perhaps calling it the web apocalypse is a bit much, but it certainly seems the past month or two has been filled with crisis, huge news stories, and other signs the web is growing ever more powerful and […]
My Facebook Vanity URL / Username
As you may have heard, facebook allowed users to pick a username starting at 12:01 AM today. I logged in and tried to get myself a vanity URL ending with “adamp”, but alas it was already gone. I settled on facebook.com/adampieniazek, which at least matches 95% of my other social network usernames. I also grabbed […]
The Vin Diesel Formula for Whether You Should Proceed with Potentially Dangerous Technology
A few days ago one of my facebook buddies (my profile on facebook) commented about how he was: supporting Skynet by linking Facebook and Twitter. Having earlier taken the “Could you survive a Zombie Invasion?” quiz, I knew we would be safe from zombies as I am apparently all that is man when it comes […]
New Social Buttons
Quick post to point out the new social network buttons in the right sidebar. They come via Justin from Life Of Justin, and are available for free to use and abuse. If you have not done so yet, join the smartest people on the internet and add me on facebook, follow me on twitter or […]
Economics Battle: President Bush versus Facebook Users
Who do you think knows more about basic economic theories and principles, President George Walker Bush or a mass of facebook users? In a democracy, we subscribe to the idea that the majority knows better than a principled few. So from a democratic perspective, the facebook users should know more about economics than President George […]
Facebook Network Stats
I stumbled upon a pretty cool feature on facebook’s redesign a few days ago, stats for categories such as music and movies for networks. If you’re a facebook user and wanna check out what I’m seeing click on Networks, scroll down and you should see a “Network Statistics” section on the right side. If you’re […]
A 350+ College Tribute to the Virginia Tech Hokies
Check it out: A Tribute to the Virginia Tech Hokies The power of facebook let us receive and compile more than 350 college logos into this collage.
Down with Textbooks! What Schools, Publishers and You can do to Reduce Textbook Costs
Ah, college textbooks, the fine print on your college bill. It literally sickens me thinking about the literally thousands of dollars I’ve spent on college textbooks during my college, ahem, journey. Everywhere I’ve gone, students always complain about the high costs of textbooks and the low (if any) re-sale value. It seems colleges are listening […]
Turbo Tax Rap
I discovered this gem while perusing facebook today: Apparently, Intuit, the makers of Turbo Tax, are hosting a contest on YouTube for the best rap video about Turbo Tax. If you think that video is as funny as I do, please go here and vote for them. I’ve looked through some of the other entries, […]