Boston Tweetups
Lately, I’ve written about Twitter a good amount here and dropped Twitter tips at The 42nd Estate’s blog and wanted to share with my Bostonian readers a few tweetup events going on this week and next week. Tweetups are basically events that are organized and attended by Twitter users [Twitter + Meetup = Tweetup]. As […]
Scribnia: Yelp for Writers
A little while back, I saw a tweet from Stuart Foster stating that David Spinks had invites to give out to a new site called Scribnia. Excited by the description of the site, a review community for bloggers, journalists and other writers, I immediately sent David a tweet asking for an invite. I’ve been using […]
Werewolves of the T
While waiting for a green line train at the Park Street MBTA station, a familiar tune rang through the air. Walking to the source made me realize it was the 1978 Zevon hit song Werewolves of London. For some strange reason, sometimes, when I’m biking around the city, high on adrenaline and endorphins, I like […]
Calling all Dorchester Residents (Current & Former)
As some of my readers already know, I’m a resident of the Dorchester neighborhood of the City of Boston. On June 7, 2009, Dorchester will be celebrating Dorchester Day, an annual celebration to commemorate the founding of Dorchester. Dorchester Day Originally, Dorchester was a separate city from the City of Boston and was much larger […]
Hulu Multi-tasking
Just read an article in The Boston Globe about Hulu, internet TV and our “multitasking culture”. In the piece, Matthew Gilbert muses about streaming TV shows and how it’s so different from watching shows on a regular television set. Amongst his complaints are that you can’t watch internet TV from the comfort of your couch […]
Boston Young Entrepreneurs Recap
This past Tuesday, I gave a presentation about The 42nd Estate at the monthly business plan meeting of the Boston Young Entrepreneurs. There was a pretty solid turnout (I’m a terrible judge of these things but I’d say at least 30 people were in attendance) and a ton of awesome feedback. What I love about […]
Thesis Theme Comes to Prose of a Pol
Like a virus, it seems the Thesis theme is spreading to more and more blogs everyday. There’s no end in sight and deservedly so. After previously winning the Thesis theme, but not actually receiving it, I held a grudge against the theme, which was obviously silly. A few months back, Jim Spencer (@fairminder) ended up […]
The 42nd Estate at Boston Young Entrepreneurs
Boston Young Entrepreneurs is an organization I’ve been a part of for a little over a year. When I first decided to start up (yet another) a company, I began by attending BYE meetings, meeting other entrepreneurs and learning from their plans. As the workload with my own company, The 42nd Estate, started expanding I […]
Is There Room for Sarcasm Online?
As a Bostonian, I have an ingrained sarcastic style. Nearly all Bostonians, and especially the ones born and raised here, and certainly all the ones who remember a time when Boston sports were full of sham (no wow), have a similar sarcasm built into their DNA. It developed as a defense mechanism to protect us […]