Today is the 111th day of the year, and as such marks the year being 1/3 over in my calendar. As the day of the birth of myself occurs in the last 32/33 days of the year, I write off the totality of those days as one massive holiday. So, what have I gotten accomplished in this first third of the year?
Here’s a list of 14 15 accomplishments:
- Quit smoking
- Started and finished reading The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress by Robert A. Heinlein (awesome book)
- Finished a graduate class, Small Business Formulation and Development at Umass-Amherst, with an A grade
- Acquired full-time freedom by quitting my full-time paid, voluntary, cubicle entrapment
- Started a business (details to come)
- Lost some weight
- Started reading Smart Start-Ups: How Entrepreneurs and Corporations Can Profit by Starting Online Communities by David Silver
- Bought a bicycle
- By the end of today (if not already), eclipse 100 miles biked in my first week
- Surpassed $20,000 in liquid, financial assets
Started and fFinished reading Starting From Scratch: Secrets from 21 Ordinary People Who Made the Entrepreneurial Leap by Wes Moss- Decluttered my e-mail inbox
- By the end of the day, attended my first Boston Celtic playoff game!
- Improved my life by about 1000%
- Edit: (Added this one just before the Celtics game) Just picked up at about a $420 savings! (~$40 for a five letter name domain name!)
Have you accomplished any significant goals or done something you’re particularly proud or pleased about in the past 3-4 months? If so, do share below.
Here’s to a great middle and end to the year!