Article written by Adam

14 responses to “Cash-flow free for nearly a year!”

  1. Justin Wright

    That’s awesome. Glad to see you are still going strong. Reading this completely reminds me of my own journey I’ve been on. I’m getting near the 6 month mark.

    I actually just got my PS2 back out and starting playing that whenever I need a break. It sure helps relax when you spend all day on the computer trying to get things done.

    Cheers to an even better and more exciting year this time around! You already made it passed the breaking point.

    PS. How bad do you miss the cube farm? lol

    Justin Wright´s last blog post..Tools For The Digital Nomad

  2. Adam Pieniazek

    Thanks buddy! It’s nice to see a light at the end of the tunnel. 🙂

    The cube farm is not missed at all! I’ve been telling people who ask that I’d much rather make just enough to survive but work for myself than make x dollars but work for a cube farm. Not to say I’m opposed to working for someone else, but I just can’t foresee myself sitting in a cube for eight hours a day, five days a week ever again. ::Knocks on wood::

  3. web designer mom

    my brother in law is working for accenture. he was so scared he to lose his job he immediately invested on a printing business.

  4. Adam Pieniazek

    Web mom, we’re seeing a huge rise in entrepreneurship and small business ownership right now. Perhaps this recession will mark the end of big corporations and the flourishing of small shops that can deliver a personable product with intimate customer service…

  5. Ace

    We all just have to stick to what we know is good and not lose focus on things we can’t control like market fluctuations. I know I can control my spending habits, so that’s where I start.

  6. Adam Pieniazek

    That’s a great outlook Ace. I’ve found that when you focus on what you’re good at, control what you can, the other pieces tend to fall into place, though that does not mean we should just sit around and wait for them either.

    A great tip I’ve been told is the less you spend, the less you need to make. For me (and it sounds like you), it’s totally worth it to forego some consumer luxury goods in order to not have to work x hours. Funny thing is I work more hours per week now than ever, but I love what I do so it’s almost not even work!

  7. George Packard

    It was just recently that ebay came out with an article about the future of Affiliate marketing in 2009.

    The fact that many large stores (brick and mortar) are closing and folks are driving much less, gives way to a brighter future for online sales.

  8. Shane

    Great post. I’ve been free of a real job for some time now, and I really love what the freelance lifestyle has to offer. I’ve done a lot of freelance writing work, and right now I’m trying to learn more about online marketing to get more residual income as opposed to job by job. You get a taste of that freedom and it’s freaking addictive. Enjoyed the blog, keep it up!

    1. Adam Pieniazek

      Thanks Shane, freedom is wicked addictive! I’ll gladly earn less in exchange for more freedom. The 9 to 5 grind really wore on me creatively, physically, and mentally. Glad to see a fellow freelancer finding success.

  9. jesse

    Adam your story is very inspiring for us stuck in the cubbies (for you cube farm). A co-worker and myself discuss this topic everyday, trying to figure a way out. But like you mentioned, it’s tough finding out exactly what your passions are. But hey, at least we haven’t lost hope! Best wishes!

  10. Survival of the recession story « Justin G. Roy

    […] 2009 A good friend and connection of mine, Adam Pieniazek wrote a wonderful post on his blog,  How I survived the past year without a stable income.  Pieniazek writes about his past year, how he was able to survive, and tips for others who find […]

  11. Projektowanie Stron Internetowych

    Adam your story is very inspiring for us stuck in the cubbies (for you cube farm). A co-worker and myself discuss this topic everyday, trying to figure a way out. But like you mentioned, it’s tough finding out exactly what your passions are. But hey, at least we haven’t lost hope! Best wishes!

  12. Cubicle Free For A Year

    […] recently asked me an excellent question on my post about living cash-flow free for almost a year. The post detailed my financial struggles after escaping the corporate cubicle world last […]

  13. pest

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