Historic Moments from Adam’s Storied Sports Career
If you’re not a subscriber to Josh Gans’ Sports Fan 4 site, you’re missing out. Head over there and subscribe today. Today’s a perfect time for Dot Boston readers to head over as I just posted an article about the top six moments from my sports career. In brief they are: My First Time Getting […]
I Was Wrong: Matt Cassel IS a Record Breaking Quarterback
It’s been a while since we’ve checked in on my prediction that the New England Patriots will win this year’s Super Bowl, so let’s take a look at where we stand after eleven football games. The team has something to prove, again. The Bill Belichick Patriots love one thing above all else, proving people wrong. […]
SHOCKER: Patriots Win without Tom Brady!
We’re only one game in, but let’s take a look at the reasons why The New England Patriots will win Super Bowl XLIII and see how we stand: The team has something to prove, again. I’ll let Rodney Harrison answer this one [via ESPN.com]: To come in here, to this hostile environment, and win when […]
The New England Patriots will win Super Bowl XLIII
Don’t rub your eyes or slap yourself, you are reading that title correctly. No, this is not an old post. Yes, I know Tom Brady is out for the season. No, I am not completely insane (just marginally). I’ll repeat it so you know it’s not a typo, the 2008-2009 New England Patriots will win […]
Biggest Upset in Football History: Giants Beat Pats
This sucks. A new level of stomach punch game. The New England Patriots are just like Ivan Drago from Rocky IV. Mr. Tom Brady, If you were hurt you shouldn’t have played. If you weren’t hurt, well you know no individual performance can overshadow a loss, especially one this big, but dude what happened in […]
The Satellite is Orbiting, The Bugs are Listening, The Cameras are Rolling: 24 Hours Until Pats Play Giants in Biggest Game Ever
Well, the anti-Patriots machine is running full-blast with Senator Arlen Specter asking why the “Spygate” tapes were destroyed and Matt Walsh, former video assistant with the Pats, claiming to possess evidence of the organization cheating well before this year or last year. Meanwhile, an anonymous source tells ESPN that the Patriots taped the Rams walk-through […]
Web Quotes and Counterpoints I
In a new, sporadically published, feature, I’ll share with you some interesting quotes from around the web. Let’s get to it. For $20 a month, you can get an infinite supply of the internet. Clara Moskowitz of LiveScience thinks this infinite supply is dangerous and writes: These over-wired people are so focused on their gadgets, […]
The Peyton Manning Face Appears One Week Early
What a great weekend of playoff football. Though I didn’t watch the whole game, Brett Favre and the Packers playing anybody on a snow-filled Lambeau field is entertaining. Then, Saturday night we got to see the Greatest Show on FieldTurf operating at a near maximum efficiency. The Jaguars tried to utilize the bend but don’t […]
Duel in Dallas: The Patriots of New England Invade the Cowboys Homeland.
Good start, Cowboys don’t cross the 20 till the third play of the game. And that’s why the line shouldn’t be in the Cowboys favor (which according to a Google search for “pats-cowboys line”, it isn’t. Pats are favored by a safety and a half minus the 3 point home-field advantage). Both teams are undefeated […]