a combo form of man and woman, parentheses indicate communicator’s gender, if neutral (aka a computer/AI/etc.). Examples:
Lego Printer
Saw this a while ago and thought I’d share the awesomeness. Check this printer made entirely out of LEGOs!
Why Bicyclists Should Sue the Federal Government
Discrimination based on the type of vehicle you ride should be illegal, yet we see it all around us. If a car wants to travel from Boston to New York, there’s quite a few dedicated paths for them to choose from. But if a bicycle wants to do the same, they cannot follow the path […]
Why Drivers Shouldn’t Honk at Cyclists
If the honking was to encourage me to move over so you can speed past me, then I usually move further into the lane and block you from passing me.
Why do I do this?
Because 90% of the time if you can’t pass a bicycle you either shouldn’t be passing because the road is too narrow or you suck at driving.
Turf Dancing in the Rain
Is apparently how they roll in Oakland because here’s a video of two crews turf dancing in O,CA, in the rain too.
Four candidates for Swagger Oakland?
Clean Environment Players: It’s Economics Stupid
The problem doesn’t lie with just governments, corporations or humans or any other single entity. It’s a complete and systemic failure of humanity. For all of our wonderful inventions and advances, the net impact on this planet and our place in the universe has undoubtedly been negative. We’ve taken, taken and taken and given so little back.
Yes, A New Theme!
You may have noticed this site’s look changed drastically overnight. The site was due for a new look and the last few days’ GPL and Thesis discussions pushed me to make a change ASAP. At the same time, Justin Tadlock released Outline, a new child theme for Hybrid that is quite pleasant on the eyes […]

Is It Boston?
For far too long we have had to simply wonder am I in Boston, with no definitive answer. But, those dark days are long behind us friends as I’m proud to announce the universe-wide launch of Is It Boston? The site does one thing and one thing only, tells you if a zip code is […]
The Videogame Car
Anyone who has played a videogame with driving in it will appreciate this video. In it a scientifical test is run where two drivers attempt to drive a car with a third person camera mounted on the car. All the windows are blacked out so the drivers can only use the third person view.
As if it really needed to be said but…

Lessons Learned from an Accidental rm -rf *
One of the main principles that’s been hammered into me from lectures and experience over my 15+ years of computing is backup, backup, backup. It becomes even more crucial when you start hosting sites, especially sites for other people. On all the servers we run, we backup site and database files nightly, with automated syncs […]