Article written by Adam

8 responses to “Obama Zombies Stumble Around Searching for Change”

  1. Justin Wright

    That’s hilarious. They look like a bunch of zombies walking around with no direction. The Onion always finds a way to make fun of the simple things like this.

    Justin Wrights last blog post..Wealthy Affiliate University Review

  2. Scott

    Absolutely HILARIOUS! I’m speechless. After your great comment at my blog I feel I owe you more, but man, this is priceless!

    Thanks! (says the new subscriber)

    Scotts last blog post..Whats All The Fuss About Anyway

  3. Adam Pieniazek

    Thanks Scott. You don’t owe me anything, consider it spreading the wealth around…


    Thanks for subscribing!

  4. Raj Krishnaswamy

    Hi Adam: Funny video. Was a similar situation existent when W was elected? Must have been as funny. 🙂

    Raj Krishnaswamys last blog post..Obama and thermal spray

  5. Adam Pieniazek

    Actually Raj, everyone was really disappointed at the sloppiness of the election in 2000 and anxious about who would end up winning, no matter who they voted for. We didn’t know who won the election until a month after we voted and by then the comedic timing was a bit…off. We were more concerned about the validity of our democratic system than anything else.

    Plus, neither Gore nor Bush really motivated or inspired supporters to the extents Obama did.

  6. Dereck Coatney

    That is awesome! haha

    Dereck Coatneys last blog post..When You are Your Own Enemy

  7. Anonymous

    no dollars? ? ? ?