Article written by Adam

9 responses to “New Server”

  1. Adam Pieniazek

    Let’s see if comments work…

  2. Justin Wright

    Everything seems to be working so far.

    Justin Wrights last blog post..Blog Consulting

  3. Seo Cart

    It seems to be working faster but it’s possible that it’s mostly the autosuggestion (you said it’s on a faster server and my mind immidietly went to “yeah… it seemed a little faster”). Anyway everything work so I think you should stick with this service.

  4. Adam Pieniazek

    Well, I’ll for sure be sticking with these servers SEO as my previous hosting contract is running out and The 42nd Estate is cutting me a great deal!


    But, yes it does seem faster, I have a few monitoring services watching this domain so we’ll know for sure soon but I’m positive it’s improved by a significant amount.

  5. Ben | Minnesota Law Firm

    Yes pages loads quicker and didn’t get any problems. Good luck with it.

  6. government auto auction

    It seems its working good…good luck 🙂

  7. passive income

    We fell it! It’s much much better than before. Could you told us why did you chosed this hosting? Price or quality?

  8. Adam Pieniazek

    Sure, it’s actually a matter of both, passive. The 42nd Estate is a company that I part own and we have some extra server space that is faster and cheaper than my current set up, so I jumped on over. Plus, the convenience factor of having all the sites I maintain in one place also encouraged me to make the move.

  9. Grog

    Everything AOK

    Grogs last blog post..Emergency Room Malpractice On The Rise