Fire on Trull Street in Dorchester
At 3:00 AM today I was up invigorated by my 11 PM – 1AM non-stop bike ride around the city and was discussing a few graphics for a header for a new site when I undeniably smelled smoke from something burning. I’d smelt it 10-15 minutes earlier and heard fire trucks but finally the smell […]
IPhone 3G: Does It Blend?
I’m off to the get some documents notarized and filed with the City of Boston so enjoy this video of a brand new iPhone 3G getting blended. Have an awesome weekend everyone!
Super Bush: A Real American Hero (Made in China)
When the rich need saving, don’t despair, call Super Bush! When the poor need to be stomped on, don’t get your shoes dirty, call Super Bush! When the middle class starts getting curious, don’t cut and run, call Super Bush! When we need to demonize socialism for all but demand it for the super-rich, don’t […]
This Blog Now iPhone Friendly!
Check it out iPhone visitors, this blog is now super iPhone friendly. This blog appeared 99% fine in Safari on the iPhone before [some videos wouldn’t play due to lack of Flash] but now it’s optimized so the text fits perfectly on the screen. Sure, all the advertisements and other personal theme stuff goes away […]
How I Quit Smoking In Less Than One Minute And You Can Too! Part 2
This post is part of a series. Check out the other posts in this series: How I Quit Smoking In Less Than One Minute And You Can Too! Part 1 Also subscribe to my feed to ensure you catch the whole series! In the first part of this series we discussed how after 18 years […]
Must Impeach! Cheney-Bush Have Too Much Time Left!
Two videos for you tonight. First up is a video warning us that President hijack Bush and Vice-President Halliburton Cheney have too much time on their hands to mess up our country even more. Of course, any time war criminals have any time is too much time! What makes little sense is that if Congress […]
New York Times Rejects McCain Op-Ed
Was just in the Dunkin Donuts up my street (the one on Boston Street, there’s another DD at the other end of my street too) waiting in line when I saw the TV in the corner playing CNN broadcast that the New York Times rejected an op-ed piece written by McCain. Reading through McCain’s “essay”, […]
Mini Flash Flood Dorchester [with Video]
A large and powerful though swift moving thunder storm rolled through the Boston area yesterday afternoon. Here’s three pictures of the mini flash flood it caused on my street in Dorchester. My step-dad asked me if I looked outside and since it had only been raining for a few minutes I hadn’t but that quickly […]
Spider Squirrel, Spider Squirrel, Does Whatever a Spider Squirrel Does
While biking behind one of the Boston University buildings Friday afternoon, this spider squirrel caught my attention. Here’s the squirrel just chilling while it observes what I’m doing: As it realizes I’m not a threat, it goes on it’s way, doing whatever a spider squirrel does, which apparently means running on this ledge in a […]
Bye Bye Sezwho
A few days ago I installed the Sezwho plugin which allowed visitors to this site to rate comments and posts. At first the system seemed very smooth but today the Sezwho web-site went down and it resulted in my site not loading too. I’ve deactivated the plugin and my blog is loading again. My apologies […]