Kevin Garnett a Celtic: We’re Baaaack!
Last night, when the Kevin Garnett trade broke, perksisabeast summed up my feelings in his post, The worst trade in Celtics history draws perilously near, perfectly. Then after reading Bill Simmons’ post, McHale adds another notch to his Celtics legacy, and being reminded [by perksisabeast] to always look on the bright side of life, I […]
Something Facebook Doesn’t Know
I logged into my facebook account earlier today and saw this sponsored ad in my news feed: For those who don’t know, State Street is a global custodial bank for institutional investors. In other words, a bank for super-rich groups and people. The confidentially agreement prevents me from citing specific clients, but think hedge funds, […]
“I’ll Teach You to Laugh at Something That’s Funny”: The Simpsons Movie Review
Five minutes into The Simpsons movie, the guy sitting behind us summed up my opinion quite well, “it’s already worth the $10 ticket”. I chuckled and nodded my approval as I settled in for a joyride through my adolescence with all my old animated chums. I had reservations about the The Simpsons Movie before going […]
The Modern Charismatic Military
War, the business of a military, requires an immense commitment from a leader’s followers in order to result in success. To obtain such a strong commitment, military leaders should and are charismatic. They build trust among their followers to the point of followers trusting their leaders with their very lives. One of my first thoughts […]
Undergraduate Summer 2007 Grades – University of Massachusetts at Amherst
The final grade for the Business and Its Environment undergraduate course at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst was published to the SPIRE web-site last week. My A grade continues the trend from my classes during the Spring and Winter sessions, a trend that will hopefully continue through the graduate class, Perspectives on Leadership, I’m […]
Best Political Candidate Ever: None of the Above
Instead of a post tonight, please check out this article in today’s Boston Globe by Andrew Ryan. The article describes a proposal by William H. White of East Dennis, MA which: would add the line “none of the above: for a new election” on ballots to the choices for each elective office. If the none-of-the-above […]
State Street Tears Up Wall Street
Normally, I try to avoid talking about my employer on this site to avoid getting “dooced“, but today marked a great day for State Street. We announced our earnings for the past quarter and reported a 61% increase in profits from a year ago, up to $366 million! We also reported record revenue of $1.921 […]
Our Wicked Cute Dog, Misia
It seems the internet is obsessed with cats, and just how freaking cute they are. Well my humble opinion is dogs are a much better pet, animal, and friend for several reasons, not the least of which is that they are able to be vicious and cute. So to counter the internet’s cute cat bias, […]
3 From Every Tree: My Favorite Blog Project Entries
Last week, I wrote a post about 3 Useful Tags, Life Quotes, & Traffic Generators, which was part of a blog project contest hosted by Daily Blog Tips. Well, the full list is up and after reading through all 115 entries, it’s obvious there’s a lot of quality bloggers on this list! You can […]
Not Too Much Fun: A Review of the Ronald Jenkees Debut Album
As promised in last night’s post, here’s a more in-depth review of Ronald Jenkees self-titled debut album. Derty The album starts out with one of my favorite songs, which is a great song all unto itself, but gets extra points for introducing Bill Simmons’s podcast. It’s been a lot of fun watching this song progress […]