Who do you think knows more about basic economic theories and principles, President George Walker Bush or a mass of facebook users? In a democracy, we subscribe to the idea that the majority knows better than a principled few. So from a democratic perspective, the facebook users should know more about economics than President George Walker Bush. As this poll on facebook shows, 76% of facebook users do not think the $150 billion economic stimulus package will help the economy.
What do I think?
I agree with the facebook users. Our economy does not need increased consumer spending, rather, it needs increased domestic spending from the government. We already spend too much money in this country on items that don’t increase our productivity or standard of living in the long run. We need to stop borrowing money not borrow more of it. It’s these economic stimulus packages from Bush that have gotten us in trouble. Our government is bankrupting our country.
We need to stop wasting money outside the U.S. borders and spend money here, within the United States of America. We have bridges and tunnels in desperate need of repair, schools literally crumbling apart and failing to teach kids basic principles, and families and individuals falling into debt due to massive health, energy, and college costs. Money should go into all of the areas I just mentioned, not to other countries and certainly we should not be borrowing money just to put it in people’s pockets.
People might go out and spend a little bit more when their rebate checks come in, but it will only be a shot in the arm for an economy that needs open heart surgery. 76% of facebook users get it, why don’t our elected officials?
Economics and Social Policy – XLIV…
Welcome to the February 12, 2008 edition of economics and social policy….