Article written by Adam

3 responses to “Spider Squirrel, Spider Squirrel, Does Whatever a Spider Squirrel Does”

  1. Darren Anthony

    I was just surfing along and stumbled onto your post. I really like how you got the photo at such a definitive moment in the squirrel’s travels. I think it’s amazing how squirrels seem to be able to climb just about anything with ease, no matter how dangerous it actually is.

    Coincidently, earlier this year, I wrote a Spider Squirrel jingle to go along with a few photos that I took of a squirrel that seemed to be mocking me while climbing a tree trunk. The link to it is

    I just took a browse throughout you site and think it is very informative and I like your design choice. And again, cool photos of the squirrel.

    Keep up the good work,
    Darren :o)

  2. Jingle

    All these photos are really surprising and m much surprised by reading that how squirrel lift him backward and how it travel along the wall by lifting itself.