So last night was awesome. For a rare night, I left my bicycle at home and hopped on the red and green line to the Garden, sporting my vintage Paul Pierce jersey and my big ass banner ticket, with immense pride the whole ride. In a bit of a hurry from finishing up my John McCain review over at OTIBR, the red line and green line trains arrived relatively quickly (for once!) and I got to North Station with plenty of time to grab a brew at The Greatest Bar with my buddy Josh (who has the other half of my season tickets) before heading inside the arena.
You can barely see it but there’s a banner outside the arena too.
Once inside, the atmosphere was buzzing with Celtics fans ready to see another banner raised to the rafters. As if being at opening night for the World Champion Celtics against Lebron James and the Cavs wasn’t enough, they were also handing out free t-shirts! I love me some free t-shirts (who doesn’t) and the back is particularly sweet as it’s just a big ass banner.

If you weren't jealous of my tickets, check out this free shirt!
As we waited for the championship ceremony to begin, the crowd got very lively with the first wicked loud “Let’s Go Celtics” chant of the night and the season. My section (313, the best section in The Gahden) lit up with appreciative smiles at the decibel level of the chant. Our corner of the arena started it so we were proud that it got so loud.
The ceremony began with a video of last year’s highlights that got the crowd even more pumped (check in tomorrow or Friday for videos from last night). Then, NBA commissioner David Stern (who contrary to some reports did get booed as he was introduced) tried to give a speech, but the crowd got another wicked loud “Let’s Go Celtics” chant going that completely drowned out his words and forced Stern to simply sit down and shut up. It was one of the highlights of the nights.
This gap would be empty for only a few more minutes.
Then they began handing out championship rings to the Celtics staff. Danny Ainge got a big cheer and Doc Rivers got a huge, huge response from the crowd. Then, they started announcing the players. Huge responses for all the players but especially Rajon Rondo, Kevin Garnett, Ray Allen and last but certainly not least, Paul Pierce. After the rings were handed out, all the players walked over to the right side of the court, where a spotlight slowly illuminated a giant green and white championship banner. All the players grabbed a piece of rope and began lifting the banner in unison to the rafters.
The Celtics raise the banner the same way they earned it, with teamwork.
To the rafters!
Aaaah, now I can truly die a happy Bostonian sports fan!
After the ceremony, the starting lineups were announced, and then Paul Pierce came out onto the court for a special message. He began by telling the crowd that last season, up to tonight with the culmination of raising that championship has been a dream come true. With tears swelling in his eyes, Paul thanked the fans for sticking with him through the tough years and his friends and family for giving him support when he needed it most, and he ended it by thanking his mom and saying he loved her. Goosebumps traversed the entire arena and it got quite dusty all of a sudden.
Then there was a basketball game between the World Champion Boston Celtics and the Cleveland Lebron Jamesiers.
Ray Allen shoots…
The Celtics dancers tearing up the court.
Paul Pierce wins the game and the match-up against Lebron James.
Overall, it was a great night. Paul Pierce scored 27 points, with Lebron scoring only 22 points, which proved to be the difference as the Celtics beat the Cavaliers 90 to 85. The C’s defense of the title started off great, hopefully it ends just as well! Check in either tomorrow or Friday as I post some videos from last night, including some of the introduction video and championship ceremony. In the meantime, you can check out all the pictures from last night in my photos section.
That looks like a pretty sweet night. It’s been awhile since any of my favorite teams have one anything. 🙁
Glad to see the Celtics pulled it off (barely).
Justin Wrights last blog post..An Interview With Darren Rowse
Congratulations to all the celtics fans out there. It is really something to see and be a part of something like this. Like Justin none of my teams have won anything in a long while but that’s OK.
John Edwardss last blog post..Dickerson Real Estate
Waiting makes the championship that much sweeter! The Celtics won back in ’86 but I wasn’t even three yet so I don’t quite remember it, having waited this long to see the local teams do well it really makes you appreciate the good times, so don’t despair every team is due (eventually).
Have you seen the championship ring? Pretty nice. About $30K worth of bling.
shiitakes last blog post..Fish Raising
Yes dude! It’s wicked freaking shiny man!
Where can I find ticket stubs for this series?
For which series? The NBA Finals from last year or opening night from this current season? In either case, I believe I have stubs from both, let me know!
I personally am a hockey fan but i understand the energy and excitement of a big game. Thanks for sharing
music mans last blog post..Random Unrelated Images
Do you follow any teams in particular music man? My Boston Bruins are doing quite well this year so I’m falling back into hockey (used to be a huge, huge hockey fan growing up). For what it’s worth, there’s really nothing quite like the excitement of a playoff hockey game between two worthy adversaries. If the cards play out right, hopefully I’ll get to see my B’s win a playoff series against the Montreal Canadians this year. It seems those two teams match up in the playoffs quite often and lately my B’s have been on the wrong side in the final tally.