Article written by Adam

2 responses to “Yes, A New Theme!”

  1. Jarret


    I’m a fan of the new Outline theme by Justin Tadlock. Sadly, I just recently finished spending so much time customizing a Hybrid News hack, so I’m too busy to play with this theme.

    I’ve been a member of Theme Hybrid for maybe two or three months. Since the Thesis GPL issue, the Theme Hybrid Forum has gone insane with posts. At the same time, the Hybrid base theme was number #5 at at one point. I think it’s a great theme framework and I hope you like the switch. It’s certainly gaining popularity at quite a rate since the #thesiswp debate.

    1. Adam Pieniazek

      Site looks good Jarret, cool slider and slick nav.

      Started using Hybrid sometime last year and am really digging it so far. Big fan of the way hybrid is expanded with plugins and keeps admin areas minimal for us to build off, rather than work around. Planning on releasing a few child themes soon.