“Fresh” Fish Market
Check out this sign at a small market in Field’s Corner in Dorchester, MA: “Fresh” Fish…don’t let anyone say they didn’t warn them!
My Top Five Most Played Artists in iTunes
So I was just taking a look at my iLike’s most played artists chart and thought it’d make for an interesting post. So, without further ado here are my top ten most played artists according to iLike.com (keep in mind, these charts don’t take into account music I play on my iPhone or otherwise). The […]
I Found a Space Laser Beam! AKA Google Sky is Wicked Awesome & Cool.
Google Sky is easily one of the coolest things I’ve seen on the internet. For years, I’ve been fascinated with the stars in the night sky and now there’s a zoomable map of them at my fingertips. Google Sky is wicked cool. Check out this green space laser beam I found:
Hulu Adds Full-Length Movies
I just logged into Hulu today for the first time since the site went public and noticed they’ve add full-length movies to their video collection. This addition is great news, but from my very limited time checking out the movie section, it seems advertisements still pop up during the movie. I understand that advertisements fuel […]
Hulu Goes Public Today!
Just two days after I (finally) reviewed Hulu.com they (finally) decide to open to the public after four and a half months of being in beta. I approved of Hulu then and I still approve of them now. Hopefully, now that they’re open to the public, a larger diversity of advertisements will flow in thus […]
Bought My Celtics Playoff Tickets
So as mentioned in this post, I’m the proud owner of a pair of Boston Celtic half-season tickets. About a week or two ago an invoice arrived in the mail for playoff tickets and today I finally secured my seats for rounds 1 & 2 of the NBA playoffs (and just a few days before […]
Hulu Review
A while back I got into the Hulu beta program (note: I still have 5 invites, send me an e-mail if you want an invite) but did not really use the site too much at the time. Recently, however, I moved my television out of my room and into the basement. Since then I’ve barely […]
Updates Galore
After catching some suspicious behavior on this blog, I decided it was wise to finally upgrade to the latest release of WordPress during my Saturday afternoon. After backing up my wordpress install and database, I set about disabling my plugins and then deleting old wordpress files. Then, this blog was ready for the new wordpress […]
Six Things You Searched For
So I was just scrolling through the search keyphrases that led to this here blog and found a few odd ones. Here’s six of them: small dog create Huh? Was this person asking Google to make them a small dog? too much fun but not enough education There is a fine balance. One which many […]
An Explanation To You
It’s been a little over a month since I started writing here again and I still feel I owe my readers an explanation for my near three month gap between my last post in 2007 on October 14 and my next post on January 6, 2008. The truth is, I was starting to become burnt […]