How Much Leadership Can $1 Buy?
Class: School of Management 697PP: Perspectives on Leadership. Discussion #5B Is [John] Mackey a visionary, charismatic, or transformational leader? Is he a leader at all? What has made his business so successful—leadership or something else? John Mackey is undoubtedly a leader, one of the finest examples of an exemplary leader we can study. His mission […]
3 Useful Tags, Life Quotes, & Traffic Generators
Daniel from Daily Blog Tips is running a blog project revolving around the number three, so here are three sets of three useful things: tags, quotes, and traffic generators. 3 Useful Tags I’m a big fan of and a while ago noticed people were tagging articles with toread for articles and blog posts […]
Wicked Awesome Fireworks in Boston on the Fourth of July
I went to see the fireworks display last night with some peoples from Charlestown and took a couple videos of the awesome celebration. We were on the Cambridge side of the Charles river right across from the barge with the fireworks so we had an excellent vantage point. This is not a knock on other […]
Happy Independence Day!
This flag rises up a few steps from Edward Everett Square, my hood yo! Although our current President’s disreguard for the constitution, or seemingly any law may incite you to light fireworks, even if your city or state prohibits them, or drink beer and party in excess, even if you’re underage, I urge you to […]
Start iTunes & Simultaneously
Inspired by Paul Stamatiou’s post on a Finder plugin to restart Firefox, I decided to tackle a long standing personal issue with iTunes and For those not in the know, is in essence a music tracking program; any song you play in your iTunes gets sent to the site, where you can […]
Leadership Tests < Leadership Adaptability [Part 2]
Today’s post is the conclusion to the Leadership Tests < Leadership Adaptability [Part 1] post. Having given my opinion on why these assessments are not as reliable as observing a leader in action, and that some of the questions can be justified, at least personally, on both sides, I did lean to one side or […]
Cheney Branch Abolished?
Well, it seems there’s an update to the post I published on Tuesday, turns out Dick Cheney does think he is part of the executive branch. Hopefully, no students had to take a test similar to the one I took in the past few days, as it really would have been quite confusing whether there […]
Leadership Tests < Leadership Adaptability [Part 1]
Umass Amherst – School of Management 697PP: Perspectives on Leadership Discussion #3 The subject of our discussion this week will be individual traits and qualities as they affect organizational leadership. Please read and carefully consider the two short cases, “The Caring Dictator,” about Jack Hartnett of Sonic rollerskating franchises (p. 59 ), and “Pernille Spiers-Lopez […]
Northeastern University Teaches Students 3 Branches of Government
The recent news about our new government branch, the Cheney branch, reminded me of the Business Law class I took at Northeastern University last fall semester. Although it was a Business Law class, we had a brief overview of the US government structure and laws. During our first test, the following “gimme” question appeared: There […]
Orb: Paranormal or Naturalistic?
While taking pictures around my house (you’ll see why soon), a picture I took on my porch of the grassy field next to my house looked a bit unusual. Can you see it? Yup there’s a strange white orb, floating in the sky. From watching many a episode of Ghost Hunters on the Sci-Fi channel […]