Leadership Tests < Leadership Adaptability [Part 1]
Umass Amherst – School of Management 697PP: Perspectives on Leadership Discussion #3 The subject of our discussion this week will be individual traits and qualities as they affect organizational leadership. Please read and carefully consider the two short cases, “The Caring Dictator,” about Jack Hartnett of Sonic rollerskating franchises (p. 59 ), and “Pernille Spiers-Lopez […]
Northeastern University Teaches Students 3 Branches of Government
The recent news about our new government branch, the Cheney branch, reminded me of the Business Law class I took at Northeastern University last fall semester. Although it was a Business Law class, we had a brief overview of the US government structure and laws. During our first test, the following “gimme” question appeared: There […]
Orb: Paranormal or Naturalistic?
While taking pictures around my house (you’ll see why soon), a picture I took on my porch of the grassy field next to my house looked a bit unusual. Can you see it? Yup there’s a strange white orb, floating in the sky. From watching many a episode of Ghost Hunters on the Sci-Fi channel […]
Robot Wanted, Human Will Do
Class: Management 365: Business and Its Environment. Discussion #5 …write an imaginary job description for a Wal-Mart clerk…based on [Barbara] Ehrenreich’s experience. Refer to the skills and attitudes required, as well as the organizational and social role that is played. Pretend you are a De Tocquville-type observer/ethnographer, not your typical HR person. You’re not trying […]
Following Footprints: How Sriram Ayer and Small Dog Create Paths for their Followers
Umass Amherst – School of Management 697PP: Perspectives on Leadership Summer 2007 Discussion #2 Read the short case on Small Dog Electronics on page 7 of your textbook [Adam’s Edit: Art and Science of Leadership (4th Edition) by Afsaneh Nahavandi].Also read the very short [Adam’s Edit: Fast Company] article in the module folder about an […]
Bill Simmons & Ronald Jenkees, Together At Last!
For those of you who read my prior post on Mr. Jenkees, Ronald Jenkees: A YouTube Musical Phenom, you’ll be pleased to know Bill Simmons, the wicked good sports columnist over at ESPN, has chosen and integrated Jenkees Dirty Bass song as the introduction for his podcast. His podcast has also changed names from The […]
Pingoat’s Important Secret Announcement: Free Quality Blog Traffic
After I published the, Umass Amherst – School of Management 697PP: Perspectives on Leadership, post last night I went to Pingoat (as usual) to ping a ton of sites and inform them of my latest post. Immediately, something caught my eye (I’m wicked observant), this not so usual message was posted at the top: Pingoat […]
Umass Amherst – School of Management 697PP: Perspectives on Leadership
Those of who read the post about my undergraduate summer class, Management 365: Business and Its Environment, are probably wondering two things right now, This post will tell us whether you Umass-Amherst allowed you to enroll in the graduate class you were referring to, right? Why was that post titled “…Management…” yet this one is […]
Bits & Pieces on Management and Our Environment
Below is the first discussion and my first response for the Management 365 – Business and Its Environment class I’m currently taking: The Allegory of the Cave by Plato After you have read the excerpt from Plato think about the following: What point is Plato trying to make? What do the shadows and the objects […]
Poles Welcome Bush to Hell
I’m watching the Polish news right now on the itvn channel we receive via our satellite dish and couldn’t be more proud of my fellow Poles. The itvn is interviewing many citizens and nearly all of them are very opposed to the presence of President Bush in Poland and also are adamantly against the installation […]